iOS 14 Beta Battery drain on iPhone 6s

I have installed the beta iOS 14 on my iPhone 6s and the battery drains pretty fast
Small update - after update of the watchOS 7.0.2, the situation with my iPhone SE 2020 is little better. The battery now gets little more about 4 hours screen on time. Yeah, it’s far from the 5 ++hours of the iOS 13, but it’s also far from the 2 hours from last two days... The bad think - the Apple Watch 3 still reboots randomly... I’m waiting for more updates!
I thought i wass alone. Anyone who buys an apple phone going forward is just nuts... my phone goes to zero charge in under 6 hrs... After this update got to chargle like 3 times a day!!
Never buying an apple phone ever again.
Never, Never Never!!! Samsung, Nokia, Huawei, Etc from now on. There is zero preatige in Ios phones. Just a waste of time and money.
Its been a few weeks now, I’ve been hoping apple would bring out an update for this problem. Clearly I’m not alone with it. I work 12 hr shifts and I used to get through them with one fast-charge session during my lunch break with an 11pro. I can understand this happened on older devices but it’s not like my phone is old! My battery health says 93% Ha. Doesn’t feel like it.

Honestly, I can’t be running around the work site looking for a power outlet every hour! If I’m actively USING my phone it is draining at a rate of 1% every 1-2 minutes. Its absolutely unacceptable. Its better if it’s sitting in my pocket unused, but still draining too quickly.
I have the 6s plus. Has a new battery and was still a great phone till 14.0.1. Now it like many others discharges battery at break neck pace. Have been an apple fan for a long time, this may be the straw that breaks the camels back. I don't feel I should have to upgrade my hardware to meet the software. Perhaps give us the option of reverting back to previous software. With in 1 hour my battery went from 100% down to 86%. Battery health is 93% with peak performance still enabled. No apps opened, they better figure something out soon or they will be losing another customer who won't look back.
i have found now that I’m charging my iPhone 7 twice a day because of this update, even on days when my usage is really low and my phone is left in my handbag.
Before the update the battery would last pretty much all day.

Apple, is this a gimmick to force users on older handsets to upgrade?

FYI In a global pandemic people need to keep their outgoings to a minimum as job are going to be lost etc. So please bring out a fix for this ASAP!
Even me! My phone was working perfectly until I updated to iOS 14 then it was hell for me!!!
my battery has been drain super fast like in alone day it drained 20 in 2 minutes in front of my eye!!!
I thought my device had a problem or a hacker!!
then i found it was a problem of iOS for everyone!
SERIOUSLY apple?!!! Now in the middle of the pandemic and everyone lives in a hell financial states and a lot of people just lost their jobs and they can hardly provide money for their daily food!!
this is really inconsiderate and this is not gonna make the users to switch to the new versions but instead they’re going to change their iphones to other phones!
ive been waiting for the new update hoping to provide us an update to fix this horrible mess but none till now, and as I can see a lot of people are suffering from this trouble!
better you find solution for us, cuz this problem even threatens lives of the girls who work till late night and their phone battery will die very soon and if she needed it for any life emergency, she won’t be able to call for help!!
I updated to ios 14.0.0, which was still fine on my iphone 6s. Then, 14.0.1 rolled out and it was like hell. The phone get super hot every time having notification (so now i have to turn off all of it), cannot detect the touch id anymore (I tried every ways to restart it, like turn off-on the phone/reset to factory, message Unable to activate Touch Id still appear), and the battery drain super quickly.

Apple, please do something
I also updated to iOS 14.0 and it was all good on my iPhone 6s, no issues. The problems started after I installed 14.0.1 .
Now my iPhone 6S has problems with high temperatures while using bluetooth and wifi connectivity. It is practically unusable since the update because of the overheating. The only time I have no problems with overheating is while using mobile data/transfer. Every time I turn on the bluetooth or wifi the iPhone goes extremely hot. I have tried everything : resetting the phone to factory, setting up as new, etc. Nothing works. As soon as I turn the wifi or bluetooth on the phone gets painfully and dangerously hot. Of course while getting really hot the battery drops within minutes. I am afraid those high temperatures could damage my phone, the board and battery (it is 87% now, before the update was 89% ).

I am disappointed as I really like my 6s and was going to use this phone for some time more. I actually need two mobiles and was waiting for iPhone 12. But as 6s was unusable also during phonecalls (also overheating) I had to buy another phone (SE 2020 ).
I didn't update it to 14 as I was afraid it could affect the new phone but in consequences I can't use my Apple Watch 5 as SE is not up to date and I can't use it with 6s because it gets hot within seconds I turn on bluetooth and wifi.

This is just sad.

Battery was fine (lasting all day daily) before iOS 14.0.1, but after installing it goes from 100% to zero in less than a minute when off a charger. Please fix this in an update soon!
I had faced same battery drain issue in 6s plus after ios 14 upgrade onwards. Yesterday I wiped out (Erase all content and settings) and restored from latest backup which was backed up before wiped out. My battery drained issue has been resolved. Now phone is running smoothly without battery issue. Please note take latest backup before wiped out and restore same backup using iTunes(windows) or MAC battery drain issue has been resolved. Please try from ur end also to fix this issue.

Step1) please take latest backup using iTunes or MAC.

Step2) wipe out data ->settings->general-> reset -> erase all contents and settings.

Step3) restore latest backup from iTunes or MAC.

Hopefully this will work.
I regret installing iOS 14 to my iPhone 6s Because of serious battery problem. In the previous Software version there was no problem. Unfortunately the battery drains very fast after this installation 14.0.1. I’m thinking of resetting my phone. I hope it will work.
My iPhone 6S Plus battery drain was fixed by running the phone to 0% battery level -- until shutdown. My issue became obvious when I realized the battery meter didn’t reflect the actual battery level. Draining the battery completely fixed the issue. It synced the meter and actual level. The phone battery is like new. There was never an actual drain, only a wrong percentage being displayed.
I installed iOS 14 on my iPhone 6s when it was available. The battery went from 98% to 45% in about 2 minutes as I looked on. A minute later, it was under 20%. Then, charged overnight, but never reached 100%. It stopped around 94% (1st time ever). Unplugged and saw the percentage drop like a comet. I didn't even have time to use the phone when it dropped under 20%. Placed in charger again and it took hours longer than normal. A third time the percentage dropped, I turned off the phone and searched online on my PC about going back to 13.7.
Thankfully, there was an Apple download available.
Now, at iOS 13.7, the battery lasts all day and more (I am a light user).
The only unimportant issue is that I have 2 notices in settings that won't go away. One says I cannot backup because a "newer" backup is present (due to the iOS 14). No sweat. The other is saying a new version is ready (Oct 20, 14.1).
I will wait for 14.2, 14.3 or whatever fixes this.
It SHOCKS me that Apple is not addressing the widespread battery problem.
If all else fails, I will stay with 13.7.
I too have noticed since the latest update 14.0.1 my phone 6s is constantly draining really fast within hours and is often dead over night and my alarms dont go off in the am which is a huge problem cause its dead. Typically i could go to bed at 40% and wakeup with a phone at like 20% now its dead. Please fix this issue
I have an iPhone X with 14.2 installed and over 100GB free. Took the phone off the charger at 100%, in two hours I was down to 37% and that is with like NO usage. The ONLY thing I did with it during that two hours was take three photos, send them via WiFi and sent / received about 12 texts. This is ridiculous and seems like it’s taking after the one lawsuit that went against apple a while ago for this same problem and essentially “forcing” people to buy a new phone.
Having the same problem with four XRs. Also; it has wiped out every single one of our lightening cables both Apple and 3rd party. ****** off!!!
iPhone 6s IOS 14 update fixed any draining battery issues and was great lasting for days. Then downloaded iOS 14.1 and battery drops within hours to nothing, even without using it and turning off every possible setting that makes a smart phone useful. After it drains...I plug in the charging cable and it charges fully in less than an hour which it never used to do.
So the phone now..discharges fast and recharges fast. Not useable. Please fix.
edit. Charges and stops at 86%

I too have this problem with my iPhone 6s Plus it could be on 100% then it would go to 50% then 20%... no matter how long I leave my iPhone on the charger it won’t even reach 100%..🤦🏾‍♂️ Most definitely will be going back to iOS 13 soon
Same, Ever since I installed Ios 14 on my iphone 6s, I noticed my battery was draining quicker than ever. I ignored it cuz I thought it’s natural or is the battery on my phone is the problem, I went to a repair shop and they said that my battery is in good condition. It was really odd. But I finally realised that before I installed Ios 14 my battery can live up to 10 hours. But now, even when I open Safari, the battery decreases 5% every minute.
I have 2 iphone 6s, both received a new battery. One phone still runs 13.6.1 and the battery last 2-3 days depending on how much i use it. The second phone running 14.1 drains on standby in less than 8 hours!! It's doing nothing at all 100% at night and by morning phone is off with a dead battery.
My working iphone goes with me into the field, it's going from data to wifi to no reception all day and still it last 2-3 days.. come on apple, this will be my last apple product if this isn't addressed soon! I've owned an Apple 6100, G3, G4, 2 ibooks, an ipad and they have all expired due to hardware issue or end of software support, even my G4(super computer!) has been outdated by Apple!
I noticed same problem on 6s. My battery is above 80% health and can not last more than 5 hours of normal use. It lasted whole day with same use before update to IOS 14.1. Also, battery is fully charged for about 1 hour (incredible fast, never so fast untill now).
my iphone is less than a year old, at least in use that was a bulk purchase years ago and sold individually a year ago, so not turned on or actived till last year...

After upgrading to ios 14.1 it drains 1% every 30 seconds.
it discharges while plugged in on any cable i've tried...
I get 50 min at best

Apple says to restore but i know like every other time i'll lose lots of data and apps.
Same here. Please fix asap!
I too recently downloaded 14.1 and installed it. Now Apple News is the main consumer of the battery, consuming 62%. Basically much of the time is attempting to load content and and then spinning. Both with wifi on and off. After rebooting. I dropped precipitously from 100% at 5 am this morning to about 18% by 8 am. Recharging is up to 38% now.
Same. Also some apps don’t work at all any longer, especially streaming music apps which is a major thing that I use my phone for. Funny timing to since I am about due for a phone upgrade but after this and the latest news that the newest iPhones can’t be repaired has me thinking of switching teams.
iOS 14 Beta Battery drain on iPhone 6s