iOS 14 Beta Battery drain on iPhone 6s

I have installed the beta iOS 14 on my iPhone 6s and the battery drains pretty fast
Same for me. iPhone 8plus. Battery draining super fast after 14.1 update
Same here with iphone 11 after installing ios 14.1
battery drain so fast
Same with my iphone 8. Did a factory reset twice. After upgrading to ios 14.1 the battery health went from 97% to 90% within a hour. Now the phone restarts at 90% and suddenly it's at 10%. There is no fix to this and apple responds with very curious stuff that makes no sense at all. There's also no indication if this will be fixed under 14.2.
Currently running iOS 14.2 RC on iPhone 11, not the best in terms of battery backup, 13.7 was much better with battery life. Beginning to doubt Apple’s move since geekbench battery scores are degrading alarmingly with each consecutive iOS update. Video posted by iapplebytes on youtube will shed more light on the previous statement.
IOS 14.1 installed automatically four days ago and I immediately noticed the rapid battery drain on my 6s (which had a new Apple battery put in last May). It shows it’s health to be 97%. I started Timing the drain out of curiosity and found while doing normal things such as texting, reading emails and scrolling social media the battery is draining approximately 1% every 1.3 minutes.

After reading everyone’s comments there doesn’t appear to be a solution. I was going to go to the Apple store today and have them take a look at it but doesn’t seem like it will solve the problem.

Same here. iPhone 6S + and the battery drains in less than an hour from 100% to about 15%, even if I’m just talking on it. And this is still after I did all they suggested, like closing down background apps, etc. Also, it takes forever to charge back up again! Took a few hours to get back to a full charge from that low. I just got this phone a couple months ago bc the screen cracked on my other one, but I ended up going back to that one b/c it didn’t have 14 on it. Rather have a cracked screen than a dead phone.

Apple needs to get on this fix, and not just use it as a way to push their customers into buying newer (and IMO ridiculously overpriced) phones.
I installed 14.1 on my iphone 7 and now my battery barely lasts 1 hour and then I have to charge it again. I hope Apple fixes this. It's ridiculous!!
Encountering the fast battery drain issue on my iPhone 7 since I upgraded to 14.1. I was hoping for a fix in 14.2 but doesn't appear to be the case. Hope apple acknowledges the issue and provides a fix soon. This can potentially drive away a bunch of folks from ever purchasing an iPhone again. Hope Apple is listening...
I've had the same issue with the latest update with mine my my children's phones and Apple's solutions doesn't work. This is the last straw with Apple products and their customer service, I'm moving to Samsung since they don't have these money grabbing issues. Enough is Enough its fortuitous for it to happen now before upgrading both our phones.
I just buyed an iphone SE 2020 3 month ago and just dowloaded ios 14.2 my battery drained 3 % what for nonsenses is this. Last week my battery life was 100% after the update is now 3% in 2 days
Same issue with my 6S. Before Downloading iOS 14.1, I had great battery life. Since downloading iOS 14.1 my battery drains super fast. I’ve shut down all background apps, changed general and app settings to preserve battery life, and powered off/on. The battery still drains even when essentially not running anything. This battery drain issue is ridiculous and needs to be fixed ASAP! No one wants to have to charge their phone every couple hours.
Same iphone 6s ios 14.1. After install ios 14 battery life it's go to be terrible. 14.1 is the same with little improvements.

Steve Jobs was a great man, and now his absence in Apple is most felt. R.I.P Steve, we will always remember what he did for Apple, which the others after you destroyed very quickly.
Hello. I use iPhone SE MP7T2LL/A. After upgrade from iOS 13 to iOS 14.2 battery drain too fast. Especially, when screen is on. Please, fix it.
I've had battery drain issues since iOS 14.0 on may iPhone 7 Plus. This is mostly obvious overnight. If I leave a fully charge phone unplugged overnight I would find 50% batter drain. If I check the Battery history for the activities during the night I'd see an obvious linear decline along with a single random app using 0min on Screen (which was strange to see).

Since updating to iOS 14.2 I've found the battery drain issues appears to have gone.
Last night a fully charged phone only went down to 75% which is normal and checking Battery history there was no apps for the first time triggering any overnight events.

I hope others experience this improvement, too!
Same problem on my iPhone 6s and 14.2.
While in standby mode the phone is a bit warmer than usual but the battery drain rate seems linear and just a bit more than with IOS 13.
When using the phone (using Safari) it gets warm and battery level drops very quickly, but in a weird way, in large chunks, like from 95% to 80% then it stays at 80% and suddenly drop to 65%. After an hour or so it drops to 20-25% After a reboot the remaining percentage may rise but suddenly drop again?! Please Apple fix this we need phones we can trust!
Same here. My phone is 8.
I upgraded to ios14.2
My phone is on and off anytime by itself. And battery ran out very fast and my phone is very hot.
My iPhone 6s drains ridiculously fast after installing iOS 14.2. Can go from 100% to 0 in 2 hours. It looks like Mail background activity is the biggest user. My 6s plus also drains very fast with iOS 14.2 but doesn’t have the radical depletion like the 6s. It is still horrible.
I wish i'd seen the notices a while back to not install these updates.. I updated to 14.2 and now i'm having to charge my Iphone 7 nearly 3 times a day since the update. This is attrocious. there needs to be an option to revert to previous ios versions when things like this happen. i love my iphones, but this is not acceptable, and i do not have the time to spend hours reseting my phone. is there a fix incoming for this issue? or are we stuck with the stock answer of reset your phone.

  1. final. XS fresh install, no apps only preinstalled. Apple iCloud mail. Push.

In 12 hours with absolutely no using phone drop was 34 percent. Means, fully charged phone will die in 1,5 day even without using it. This is ridiculous.
iPhone 7 Plus, my use is very light.
The battery lasted me over two days.
Obviously after a few years it began to decrease in duration.
So I changed the battery in a service center and went back to almost 2 days.
Now, since ios 14, it's collapsed!
Very minimal use, almost zero, and I don't get to a day.

Another iPhone 7 affected, before update I've finished the day with about 40% battery remaining. After update I have to recharge battery in about 7 hours.

This is the renewal program for new iPhones?
I instaled 14.2 on 6s and same problem. Battery drain for 2 hours!!! I was think about fast resolve this bug, but now I see that I have to buy Android. This is very unserious by Apple.
iPhone 7. Hardly use it throughout the day. Usually have 40% battery left at end of day. Downloaded 14.2 this morning and I'm already on my second charge for the day. My phone is essentially worthless.
I’ve also noticed this HUGE power drain after installing 14.2. Also, the phone overheats, so much, the the screen dims like it does when you leave the phone in the sun at the beach for longer than reasonable. Clearly, something is making the processor work overtime and overheat both draining the battery as well as heating it up. R.
My3-4 y/o iPad Pro is experiencing battery overheating and rapid drain since installing iOS 14.1. In less than two hours of just low-bandwidth activities I’ve gone from a 100% overnight charge to 64% and dropping. What is happening, and when will we see a fix?? This is completely unacceptable, just days ago I used to be able to go a full day on my overnight charge! And the heat coming off the back of my iPad really worries me!
iOS 14 Beta Battery drain on iPhone 6s