It says: "There are still screenshot uploads in progress." when submit a new build

I'm submitting a new version of my app, and after click "submit for Review", it show that:

A few more items are needed in order to submit for review
The items listed below are required for submission:

  • There are still screenshot uploads in progress.

I didn't met this problem before. Is that mean I haven't upload all the screenshot required or it's still uploading the screenshots to App Store Connect's server? Cause before there is a "save" button after you drag images to the screenshots area, now you don't.And I think I have uploaded all the screenshots needed and I waited a day to try submit again, still the same.

What should I do?

Faced the same issue & the solution posted by Daniel@SimplerStudios above worked for me
Same ongoing issue for iPad Gen 2 screenshots (gray placeholder in Media Manager, 'upload in process' message) for multiple apps under our account.

Feedback submitted here:
I faced the same issue and waited for Apple support... seems they are really busy these days in Covid times.

Now I solved it myself after reading the helpful articles here - thank you guys! 👍🏻
How I solved the issue:
  1. This time I used Google Chrome

  2. Deleted all screenshots

  3. Refreshed the AppStore (browser)

  4. Checked all screenshots again and I found some 'lost' screenshots - and deleted them

  5. Uploaded the screenshots, one by one in the exact order I wanted to have them

(before I've changed the order after uploading the screenshots in the AppStore. This time I didn't touch any screenshot after uploading again)
6. Submitted and it worked finally.

Good luck! Stay safe and keep well!

This is still an issue. I've tried everything listed here and still not able to submit the app.

Once I upload a screenshot from Appstore connect, I get the popup saying "We'll use your 6.5" display app previews and screenshots..." and I see the images uploaded in the background. But after I upload all the screenshots and Submit Review, I get the message saying "There are still screenshot uploads in progress".
Here are the things I've tried with no luck -
  1. I've uploaded screenshots one by one

  2. I've uploaded screenshots in bulk

  3. I've uploaded screenshots and given it a lot of time

  4. Tried uploading screenshots by clicking "View All Sizes in Media Manager"

  5. Tried removing screenshots one by one and re-uploading

  6. Tried removing screenshots by clicking "Delete all" and re-uploading

  7. Tried different browsers - Chrome, Firefox, Safari

  8. Tried uploading, waiting and refreshing (still shows grey upload images in Chrome)

Checked the network and noticed
  1. POST returns a 201 and

  2. PATCH<GUID>/relationships/appScreenshots returns a 204

Technically no errors but still not working
This issue didn't get fixed yet. I have my screenshots stuck there and can't submit the app
I am having the same issue as well. Tried everything that @aswinr2 tried also. If anyone finds a solution please let us know!
I too had this issue today and reported to Apple support. Waiting for there reply, probably a system issue on their side
I have the same problem ..
still going on...
Same issue here (are +1 posts helpful?).
So I'm not the only one having this issue at the moment. Write here if the situation gets solved.
Same Issue here.

I'm loading my screenshots to the App Store, as I always do, and they seem to be loaded Ok.

I can see the preview, but when I click on submit to revision the images dissapear and they show a Cloud on a greybackground, and I get the error warning.  "There are still screenshot uploads in".

It seems to be an Apple side problem, let's have a coffee and wait a for a while.

Same issue here. Waiting for upload app preview screenshot about two hours.
This has happened before to me as well. Writing just to report it's a bit unusual how it works this time. Adding an image that uploads okay but doesn't load when clicked. Once I switch versions back and forth - the gray image appears and we cannot submit.
Same issue here...
Same issue.
Same issue.
the same issue :(
Same issue here, tried out the workarounds shared here since 4 hours ago but to no avail. App Store please resolve this bug so that we can upload our app to production
I am also facing same issue. :(
same issue , screenshots still in processing
Same issue.
We are also facing the same issue. The problem is that, in order to use new screenshots, we deleted the old ones and now they are gone too. So we even can't skip the screenshots part and release the build.
Same issue
It says: "There are still screenshot uploads in progress." when submit a new build