It says: "There are still screenshot uploads in progress." when submit a new build

I'm submitting a new version of my app, and after click "submit for Review", it show that:

A few more items are needed in order to submit for review
The items listed below are required for submission:

  • There are still screenshot uploads in progress.

I didn't met this problem before. Is that mean I haven't upload all the screenshot required or it's still uploading the screenshots to App Store Connect's server? Cause before there is a "save" button after you drag images to the screenshots area, now you don't.And I think I have uploaded all the screenshots needed and I waited a day to try submit again, still the same.

What should I do?

I have the same problem.

I was unable to add Preview videos for days. It would just silently fail. No error or anything. There were no gray boxes in the Media Manager. The browser console did report a server error response of 409, but nothing useful (to me).

I tried using the command-line tool xcrun iTMSTransporter to upload the Preview videos instead, and I finally got a more-descriptive error:
Code Block
Errors = [ERROR ITMS-10007: "There is another app preview upload already in progress. If you don't intend to make any app preview changes, remove the 'app_previews' element from your metadata.xml. To make changes, wait until the upload completes, do another lookupMetadata, and adjust the metadata.xml." at Software/SoftwareMetadata/SoftwareVersion/SoftwareVersionLanguageDetail/AppPreviewAssets]

The key part being:
Code Block
There is another app preview upload already in progress.

So, my theory based on this, was that Apple’s server thinks one of my previous App Preview uploads via the App Store Connect website is still in progress. Maybe it got terminated in some strange way? But, whatever happened, it looks like a zombie upload has locked my app’s data and that’s why I’m unable to add any new previews via the website or iTMSTransporter.

I tried removing all previews and screenshots, then re-adding, to see if this would remove this lock, but it didn’t. Screenshots uploaded just fine again, but Previews were blocked.


Today, I tried uploading the iPad App Previews again and… it just worked!

I guess someone fixed it or the zombie states on the server side cleared somehow?

Anyway, there’s a new problem now! I set the Poster Frames on the newly uploaded iPad App Previews, which appeared to work ok. However, when I return to the Media Manager page, the Poster Frames were all black. I decided to just give up on setting Poster Frames and so tried to submit my app. But I got the error message everyone else here is getting:

A few more items are needed in order to submit for review
The items listed below are required for submission:
There are still screenshot uploads in progress.

It looks like the same zombie-upload problem, although now it’s for the Poster Frames (which I think is what the error is referring to, even though says “screenshot”). My guess some server code wasn’t able to finish setting the Poster Frame, crashed, and left it in a locked/zombie state again.
Update: I reported this to the Feedback Assistant too. Here's my link:
The issue still persists for us until today. Our report in the feedback assistant has still the status "Open".
It's a very unfortunate situation as "Submitting for review" has been impossible for days now cause of this error. Did anyone got the issue resolved so far?
Nope. I've been stuck for 5 days now. I hope they're aware of the bug and are trying to fix it.

Apple Engineers on this thread, any update?
Same issue here. "Fixed" it by deleting all screenshots and re-uploading. Painful, but you can right-click an image in the Connect record then Save Image As to a folder, I named them f1.png ... f10.png, saving you from having to actually re-created the images.

My App is now waiting for review.
OK, after spending literally a week dealing with this and not getting any useful responses from Apple, I managed to submit my app.

Firstly, the bug appears to be twofold:
  1. There is no timeout on interrupted uploads. They’ll seemingly sit there forever, taking up one of your spots.

  2. As a Connect Engineer has stated in this thread, interrupted uploads should appear as gray boxes in Media Manager so you can delete them and re-upload, but I think there’s a race-condition bug where interrupted uploads plus new uploads can exceed the limit of 10 screenshots for a device. So, there are more than 10 on Apple’s servers, but the UI only shows a maximum of 10. If the gray boxes are in view — great! — you can delete them. If not, you’re screwed.

(Side note: when you just drag and drop a whole bunch of screenshots for multiple devices into Media Manager the order always gets messed up eventually; they don’t follow the same filename sorting rules as Finder. So, you start madly dragging things into the correct order, right? I think this might be what triggers the race-condition bug.)

Anyway, to work around this, while it’s still a problem:

You need to delete every single screenshot and preview video. Once you’ve finished, they’ll start popping back! Some gray boxes, some things that look like the screenshots you just deleted. These seem to be the broken ones that exceeded the cap of 10 on Apple’s servers. Just keep on deleting. Refresh the page too. Then keep deleting, until every single piece of media has gone, and multiple page refreshes don’t bring any back.

The problem now is how to you re-upload all your media without the same bug popping back. It's tough. I spent a day trying to use the command-line tool iTMSTransporter but even though my uploads were validated and reported as being successful, the media never made it into App Store Connect. There were no useful error messages.

The only way I got it to work was by being CAREFUL. It literally took me 8 hours of trying to get it right. Here are some tips:
  1. Have custom images for every device and screen size? Start dropping what you can. Re-use device images where App Store Connect allows it. If you spent time making screenshot and App Previews for every device, this is super sad. But, you have to do everything you can to limit the number of things you upload. The more you upload, the more can go wrong.

  2. Only upload one device's media at a time. So, select all 10 screenshots, drag them in and wait for them all to upload. Then do the next.

  3. If *any* upload results in the screenshots jumping around and changing order, you've hit the bug. Go back again and delete every single item (as described above) and start over.

  4. Take care when swiping left and right to view all 10 images in Media Manager, if you swipe too far left while things are uploading, you'll trigger the browser's back function, which seems like it interrupts the uploads, leading to the bug.

  5. Upload App Preview videos last, one at a time. DO NOT SET THE POSTER IMAGE. This is very brittle and can trigger the bug. You just have to live with the default.

I lost a week on this, it sucks. But, hopefully the guide will help someone on a tight timeline to navigate the bug.
As this issue remains still unsolved, I managed to work around this bug by these steps:
1) Delete all existing screenshots and previews using "Delete All" for each size/language
Note: "Delete All" also has a bug. After executing "Delete All" leave the app page and reenter it. You will eventually see one or two screenshots still present, which you have then to delete manually
2) Use the latest fastlane 2.150.0.rc4 to upload the screenshots (fastlane deliver).
Using fastlane makes sure you do not run into any UI bugs and also saves a lot of time (you can just upload all languages with one terminal command ).
Hi, I solved this issue using Google Chrome! The « gray screenshots » were not visible with Safari, but the Google Chrome browser shows them. So, remove the gray screenshots, reload them if you want, and it's OK.
I experienced the same issue after uploading numerous app preview videos and screenshots for an app submission. The work around I found was to go to the "View all sizes in media manager" page. Delete the last (10th) entry for all of my galleries. Then exit and navigate back to the same page. One of the device image galleries then showed a gray box at the end where the 10th image would be. I removed it, added back in the 10th images for my devices then submitted, and it worked. My guess is that Apple has a hard coded limit in the UI to not show more than 10 images. If an issue happens on upload, you'll never see the gray box to fix it if you already have 10 images.

Note, the same issue may exist with App Previews if you have the max of 3 of them. I only had 2 app previews per-device so didn't experience it.
Still experiencing this same issue, it's maddening! Reported with feedback assistant. Please App Store team correct this!
Faced the same issue & the solution posted by Daniel@SimplerStudios above worked for me
Same ongoing issue for iPad Gen 2 screenshots (gray placeholder in Media Manager, 'upload in process' message) for multiple apps under our account.

Feedback submitted here:
I faced the same issue and waited for Apple support... seems they are really busy these days in Covid times.

Now I solved it myself after reading the helpful articles here - thank you guys! 👍🏻
How I solved the issue:
  1. This time I used Google Chrome

  2. Deleted all screenshots

  3. Refreshed the AppStore (browser)

  4. Checked all screenshots again and I found some 'lost' screenshots - and deleted them

  5. Uploaded the screenshots, one by one in the exact order I wanted to have them

(before I've changed the order after uploading the screenshots in the AppStore. This time I didn't touch any screenshot after uploading again)
6. Submitted and it worked finally.

Good luck! Stay safe and keep well!

This is still an issue. I've tried everything listed here and still not able to submit the app.

Once I upload a screenshot from Appstore connect, I get the popup saying "We'll use your 6.5" display app previews and screenshots..." and I see the images uploaded in the background. But after I upload all the screenshots and Submit Review, I get the message saying "There are still screenshot uploads in progress".
Here are the things I've tried with no luck -
  1. I've uploaded screenshots one by one

  2. I've uploaded screenshots in bulk

  3. I've uploaded screenshots and given it a lot of time

  4. Tried uploading screenshots by clicking "View All Sizes in Media Manager"

  5. Tried removing screenshots one by one and re-uploading

  6. Tried removing screenshots by clicking "Delete all" and re-uploading

  7. Tried different browsers - Chrome, Firefox, Safari

  8. Tried uploading, waiting and refreshing (still shows grey upload images in Chrome)

Checked the network and noticed
  1. POST returns a 201 and

  2. PATCH<GUID>/relationships/appScreenshots returns a 204

Technically no errors but still not working
It says: "There are still screenshot uploads in progress." when submit a new build