Beware, CKShare can only be used to share a few hundred records


We had encountered an issue saving a CKShare which uses a larger parent hierarchy of more than 5.000 records (see

Sadly, we just received an answer from the (very helpful and responsive) Apple Developer Technical Support that CKShare is currently only designed to share a few hundred records. The hard limit seems to be 5.000 records when creating a CKShare, the recommendation is 200.

Be sure to design your apps with these limits in mind when you're planning to use CKShare. It would be great if anyone with a real-world usecase for an app can file a feature request ( Mine is #28548349.


Has there been any indication that they are enforcing 5,000 if you hit the limit after the share is started?

  • Is there a change to 5000 records limit?

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