TestFlight invite not received

My team is helping test an app for a partner and we're having issues with one of the testflight invites never being received. We've provided the main Apple ID email (@gmail) and the alternative apple id (@me) and they've deleted and resent a dozen times. Checked junk mail, and everything, but still no invite showing up. The other invites seem to go through without problems (one is @gmail and one is @his).

Has anyone else run into this issue?

I'm having the same problem, but have noticed that it is intermitent (though most invites fail to send). I tried this approach as well, but it did not seem to work, so perhaps your success was another case of intermitent functionality 😠.

I've tried

* resending

* expiring builds and reloading (with bumped version#)

* deleting testers and re-adding

* using groups vs individual testers

Not sure where to go next. Will probably call Apple to see if I can get some assistance.

BTW - one thing I am thinking I've seen is that pre-selecting testers before the new build has been reviewed and is "Ready To Test" may be related. It seems that selecting testers (that have not been previous selected for the current build) after this point worked. The system seems to remember who invitations were sent to for a build, even if they are removed and re-added, so trying to correct doesn't seem to fix it. Also, the 'ReSend Invitation' does not work.

I experienced the same problem. I created an app on iTunes Connect, uploaded the app, and could not send the email to myself or testers to download the app on TestFlight.

My problem seems to have stemmed from both myself and the tester being added as external testers as well as internal testers (I don't know how that's feasible in the first place). So I deleted myself and the tester from the external testers list (Users and Roles -> TestFlight Beta Testers -> External). This triggered Apple to finally send the email. As a note, even though I deleted myself and the tester from external testers, both of us still show up as external testers

Previously the 'Resend Invitation' button did not appear and now it does.

I am very dissapointed by the lack of documentation around this problem, especially considering the number of people who have experienced this problem.

bump. it's been more than 30 minutes. new email composed from desktop client was delivered within a minute.

Still happening to me. I have 4 testers and 3 aren't getting the emails. No idea what to do.

I gotta say. This Apple Testflight experience for external users is very disheartining.

I once got on the phone with Apple to get it sorted out. i essentially had to keep removing users and re-adding them. my external users eventually got the invite, but the process was unprofessional. having to keep asking external users whether they've received an invite (and even asking if they checked SPAM) just screams that someone hasn't really got a clue about what's happening (and in perception, that person ends up being me).

very disappointed.

sorry that my only suggestion is something that everyone's tried before. not sure there anything that actually works.

Having the same problem. Haven't found any option in Testflight to notify. External testers did not get notified. Internal testers/users did.

Bump same issue here.

Still no response or solution from apple? :/ We are having the same issue as well!

Same issue, no resolution. Apple IDs match the email the invites are being sent to, but nothing ever goes through. What's strange is that I never had this problem at a previous employer (just a few months ago), but at my new company I have yet to receive a TestFlight email. Again, everything is correct/emails match/etc. The invites should be coming through without a hitch but don't.

Another one here with issue. No testers are receiving an email to get the latest build. Why isn't Apple responding on this?

i didn’t get the invitation my email is darsan.sharma4@gmail.com please send my the codes.


Hay I didn’t receive a invitation code. Can you send me one my email isstarbrown224@ymail.com.

i didn’t get the invitation my email is manhtuan.k2cntt@gmail.com please send my the codes.
I was not able to receive my invitation email either. Can I get one sent to brooklynnveronesi@yahoo.com or brooklynnveronesi@icloud.com?

I am seeing posts from people from 6 years ago and here I am in 2021 having the same issue. Apple support should really make this process easier for users! I have also tried contacting support to request a call, which they promise will take place in less than a minute but to no avail. I have also sent a support email but lord knows if anyone is even monitoring that mailbox.

A trillion dollar company and after 6 years still loosing days on this stupid problem. This is disgusting. I am speechless.

7 years later since this thread was created, and this still occurs very frequently. Ridiculous.

Still happening April 2023, Apple are you even there?

Is there a way to fix this? I can't get the invite email.

Trying to use TestFlight with internal testers. We are not receiving the invites. Tried resending the invites, deleting and recreating the test group, checked junk folders. Not sure what to try next.

Can confirm, testflight invites still doesn't work :(

From the last 8 days, I'm continue facing issues with appStore, sometimes screenshots uploading not works, then this testFlight issue.

Internal testers are not getting invites, I'm trying since last 3 days, please help.

Having the same problem right now, uploaded a build to TestFlight. Added internal testing group, then added myself to the group. It says an invite has been sent to my email, but I've checked all the folders (e.g. spam) and still haven't seen any emails from TestFlight. Tried absolutely everything, removing then re-adding group, upload new build, upload new build with a different version, etc.

TestFlight invite not received