Can I get a free apple developer certificate or I have to pay $99?

I have tried to get a free apple account develpoer certificate but I couldn't do that. is there way to get a free acount? Also, how can I test an app on iTunse was built by phonegap, and how I can install that app on my iPhone, another word I want to install the app on my iPhone, then I want to test it on my iPhone how i can make that. please anyone has any infirmation about my questions.

thank you for all.

Free provisioning/testing on your device:
• From within Xcode 7.x or higher (Mac only), navigate to “Xcode—->Preferences—->Accounts.” Hit the '+' icon below left to add your Apple ID*. After you add your account, it will show within the main account window on the right.

• Select your account, hit the “View Details” button and wait for them to load.

• Now create the 'signing identity' used to create a provisioning profile used for device testing - Hit the “Create” button next to the 'iOS development' label. When completed, hit ‘Done’.

• Connect your device and select it as build destination via the 'active scheme' dropdown to the right of the play and stop icons.

• In target's 'General' tab/settings:

• a. Set app identifier you want for your free profile

• b. Set team id as your apple id

• c. Hit 'Fix Issue' button below the provisioning profile warning

- You may have to ‘Fix Issue' more than once - keep at it so Xcode can step thru them as needed.

• Run your app with your device selected.**

Free provisioning notes/secrets/things you’ll want to know:

- The profile will be valid for 1 week, after which time you will need to recreate a new one ( repeat the same process).

- There is a limit to how many apps you can build and test to your device.

- Maximum number of devices limit is reported as 3.

- What you can/can't do w/free provisioning is listed here:

- If this is about creating an .ipa to manually hand off, select Build For Archiving under the project menu, not ‘Run’.

- *If you have, or plan to have, a paid developer account, be sure to use a unique/different apple ID for each account.

- **Free accounts may experience issues launching apps on the watch for the first time.

Workaround: Launch the app manually on the device and click “Trust” when the security sheet appears. You should then be able to launch the app from Xcode.

>will this cause problems to the paid enrollment?

It will if you try to use the same apple id - see the notes above.

If you have further questions, pls. start you own thread rather than tagging onto someone else's, thanks.

>How do you recreate a new one after the profile expires?

Simply repeat the same process as the first time. See above for details.

I do not know if you have fund out how too create a free development pogrom. You can use this link. Good luck☘️

I can't understand that it is so difficult to figure out how too create that free development profile. I'm not a computer scientist I considered myself , average I make my free development pogrom almost by a mistake I found out I was free developer because I cut install all the apps I want too using impactor . I have used my 100 apps. And I hope I can get a year more. Hope that you all will manage. Its great too bee a free developer I can use Xcode swift. I have played a little with swift. It'd a great tool for making app. I have put a link in before to free development. I do not know if you all got it, so i will put it down n again. Have a nice time.

Test application need to use the iOS test certificate, if the development of iOS APP with phonegap no Mac computer, you can use the Appuploader tool, you can directly apply to the Windows system iOS certificate and upload IPA to the App Store


It is pretty easy to disable the certificate requirements on Xcode3 and 4 but to do iOS development you have to import all the custom apple phone specs for newer devices basically. Also you have to do it manually and with no support knowing that the web is full of fake tutorials that say it is impossible.

Apple developer account is free. But you have to sign-up for a $99 USD/yearly membership. If you want to distribute your app to the app store. Sadly, you have to pay $99 USD every year. It would be nice if it was a one-time fee.

Can I get a free apple developer certificate or I have to pay $99?