Check our app in iTunes App on Mac, the size of our app is 112MB. But it becomes 172 MB while check it on web(open with Safari).
Then, i found that 112MB is the app download size for universal device that displayed in iTunesConnect->My App->Activity->iOS Build History->select your current build->AppStore App File Size. And 172MB is the app installed size for universal device.
To make sure that the size of app that displayed in iTunes comes from the build infomation, i open iTunes App in my iPhone6 and find our app page. The app file size displayed is 157MB, as same as the app installed size for iPhone6 displayed in the build infomation. The app file size displayed in iTunes is supposed to be 95.5MB from build infomation.
One more infomation, I download our app with 4g network success. But with Apple's rules, iOS apps with a final size of 100MB or smaller can be downloaded over a cellular network, and larger iOS apps require a Wi-Fi connection to download.
So i think it's a mistake that Apple Review Team(or other team?) make or it's a bug. The app file size displayed in iTunes is supposed to be 95.5MB.
As our app is mainly sale in China, where the app file size do have a great influence while user decide to download it or not, can Apple Team do something about this issue to help us? This is very improtant to us! We have done a lot effort to thin our app size but now result in nothing. This does frustrate us!