iOS 9 Beta battery life

It might be me, but iOS 9 Battery life so far has been painfully bad, down from 100% to 85% without using it much in 2 hours... has anyone experienced anything similar?'

I might try a complete restore since i only updated from iOS 8 to iOS 9 Beta, just curious to see if anyone else is in the same boat.....after all ...battery life is one of the focus for iOS9.


This is happening to me also

it's true! The battery it's draining very quickly and with certain condition the iPad Air 2 right side is really hot!!

It often happens when using with safari with some sites.

I believe that we should give priority to this issue on all other!!

Agreed 100%. I have run every beta of every version of iOS since the beginning. This is without question in the top 3 worst in terms of hosing the phone. Im not here to whine about it though... Im here to see if anyone has come up with clever solutions that I can reproduce and submit bug reports.

Many people on MacRumors are reporting obscene amounts of data being used by the beta, so mobile data is likely the issue here, especially with people saying disabling it fixes the drain.

Same here. Had a phone call with speakerphone and the phone was plugged in and the charger didn't keep up. With a gps app going and the screen one, it was going down by around 1% per minute.

Hey Andrea. Yes Its terrable on both my 6 plus and ipad air. I was hiking with my Dog for a couple miles and she went swimming and two hours later it was 60% left. I posted facebook videos and texed stuff too, but as with most Betas the first Beta is terrable for battery life. I cant revert back cause im using Watch 02 and I cant go back to 01 on the watch and BTW that battery life took a hit too.

How to Re-installed ios 9 to ios 8?

My usage and standby times are the same. 4:48 for both, 57% batt. Turning off mobile data did nothing. Fresh install on iPhone 6. I will be installing the beta again with iTunes overtop of my current install when I get home to my Mac. I remember when flashing Roms on my old droid, sometimes it helped to flash it a few times if there were issues.

This is not my experience with other Betas from IOS 5 on... my phone does run hot, (64 GB iPhone 6), and was dead after 6 hours. I also sent a message to Step Tracker, and he has fixed the half count on IOS9 as of this date. One thing to note: the steps did not count after the battery went dead this monring. I have been running it since day before yesterday as well as El Capitan, which seems much more refines.

Every Version x.0 Beta 1 for the past 6 years has been heavily instrumented. The instrumentation always causes battery drain.

(I guess the word s*ck is verboten on this board? Even if it's properly used? Wow.)

Same thing for me. Have 6 Plus and was experiencing almost 98% battery drain over 18 hour period with no use. Re-installed the update over the first one and my phone is still at 100% after a couple of hours of no use. So, it seems to have helped. Will know in a few more hours.

I also found that turning off nearly everything in General/Search (except for Applications and Contacts) and flipping off Siri helped. I was getting 1.5 hours of battery performance before. I'm now at 9 hours with 48% of my battery still left on the iPhone 6.

Same here, but better than iOS7 beta.

I have to bring the charge with me all the time.

I wonder when People will realize to not install the beta os on their main device. The PUBLIC beta is the user experience test run. dont expect to have a battery life on a dev firmware.

So a tester MUST have more than 1 device? I mean again the assumption that all people here are NOT developers? Macrumors users are the target of Public beta, iOS 9 beta and ths site are "designed" for developer...who guess what? might have only one device and want / need to test their app in iOS9 😉.

I am trying to figure out....if this is so bad and people need to wait for iOS 9 public beta .... why would they release it??? (oh right ..for testing....and that's what we are all doing!!!!).

iOS 9 Beta battery life