iOS 9 Beta battery life

It might be me, but iOS 9 Battery life so far has been painfully bad, down from 100% to 85% without using it much in 2 hours... has anyone experienced anything similar?'

I might try a complete restore since i only updated from iOS 8 to iOS 9 Beta, just curious to see if anyone else is in the same boat.....after all ...battery life is one of the focus for iOS9.


i am on an ipad mini 3 and so far no issue with battery, charged it over night, its now 13:30 and i have used it for a few hours this morning, including a facetime call to my wife and its still at 85%.

talking of facetime, i did notice that the video keeps freezing on that

Hi All.

Putting my iPhone 6+ AND iPad Air 2 in Airplane Mode stops the battery drain. Something to do with the radios running full power when leaving the phone after a period of use.

Toggling Airplane Mode On/OFF seems to have the same effect.

Suggestion: Habitually toggle Airplane Mode when you are done fiddling with your iDevice, before putting it to sleep.

Best regards...

Same on my side

Battery runs out in amazing speed - from 32% to 23% in 15 min without any app open. We could not imagine it yesterday.
Normally I use my Iphone6 whole the day with 30% to 40% full at night - yesterday I had 32% at noon - and I did NO CALL and had no time for tests during business time. And the phone got warm also - same as Beta 1 of IOS8

Battery statistic says that the HOME AND LOCK SCREEN is 26%, Mail 21%, Telephone 16% ....

Same for me, seems a lot worse than previous betas. Interestingly, it listed BBM (in the background) as a culprit for me, so perhaps it's a change to background APIs.

Yes I'm seeing the same... less than 4 hours and I'm down to 17% battery remaining... battery usuage doesn't show anything interesting... podcast 1.5h in the background is the top hitter.

I think it's to do with icloud.... I keep getting sync and connection errors when talking with the cloud.

Likewise. Woke up at 100%. Drove to work, and it's down to 81%. 4 hours later, 11% 😟


I updated my iPhone 5S on monday night. I agree with everyone, battery life was horrible. I woke up this morning with 100% and 3 hours so far only lost 9%. with 43 minutes of usage. So it seems, that like early in this post, Siri might be indexing because my battery life has seemed to improve since I've updated.

Instantly noticed my phone heating up while downloading new mail messages. My battery drain was incredible. Turned off background app refesh to see if that will help.

Same as everyone else. Hot phone and batteri goes from 100% to 0% on under 5 hours with light use on a pretty new iPhone 6.

Same here - iPhone 6 w/ ios9 beta installed - phone was in bag when I went home from work around 6PM. When I put it in the bag it was just taken off the charger and was at 100%. At 7:30AM I went to look at my meetings for the morning and it just showed the low/no battery graphic.

Yes I know it's a beta. Yes I'm aware of the crap that beta's can bring - I've been through four of these cycles now. I just want to add my experience.

Hi all,

This seems to be a very real issue and the best we can do to help Apple to fix it as soon as they can is to submit radars with battery logs.

How to generate battery logs can be found here:

ssame problem here, both on iPhone 6 and the Apple Watch (not yet upgraded to Watch OS 2). Burned through a full, nearly new iPhone 6 in 5 hours without actually using the phone for anything except with the watch. Watch battery gone in 4 hours. Did a complete reset of watch, and set up phone from scratch. Not so much battery problem on iPad Air.

your watch battery is also effected because iOS 9 on iPhone?

Apple must fix the battery issue ASAP. I know, that is a beta, but this problem is heavy. Apple please roll out the beta 2 with a battery fix. than we can focus on our apps...

Same here batterie is realy a pain in the ***.

Such a shame that they say on wwdc that the barttery life would be soo much better an then this...

Why do they have this in every single beta 1?

Well I leave my iPhone in the box for now and wait for beta 2 😟

My development software was running 18% CPU on an iPad Air with iOS 8.3. With iOS 9 Beta 1 it's taking 59% for same operations. The issue seems to be with collections.

iOS 9 Beta battery life