It doesn't seem to be possible for me to debug on device wtih my apple watch. I can run my develpment app normally, but Xcode just can't seem to attach to a debugging session.
I've read the relase notes and have tried:
1) deleting the app/apps from devices and trying again
2) ensuring "Show App on Watch" is on for dev app
3) restarting all of: watch, phone, xcode, mac.
4) unpairing / pairing again
No dice.
When I click Run on the [AppName] WatchKit App scheme, the status window says "Running [AppName] WatchKit App on [Phone name]". It stays like that for about 45 seconds. Then it says "Finished running [AppName] WatchKit App on [Phone name]".
It really seems like the Phone->Watch connection is just way too slow. When I launch Xcode, it takes about 2 minutes before it considers my Phone+Watch pair as eligible for this scheme. During this initial 2 minutes, if I look into Window->Devices I don't see my watch listed even though I can clearly see it is paired.
I'm going to turn this into an official bug report, but I thought I'd check to see if I'm overlooking something obvious first since this is such a fundamental use case.
Device is an iPhone 5, by the way.