Upload new binary for In-App Purchase(s) review?


I got the following message the second time. I dont know what to do.

  1. My app is reviewed and live, but my in app purchases are rejected. I read the message and was wondering about that. This did not happend with my non subscription iaps. I submitted a new "fake" binary with new version and in app purchases again.
  2. My app is reviewed and live with new version. My purchases not. I got this message again.

We have begun the review of your In-App Purchase(s) but aren't able to continue because your submitted In-App Purchase(s) indicate a change of business model for your app. Therefore, we need to verify the implementation of your submitted In-App Purchase(s) in the app to ensure your app, and its In-App Purchase(s), are in compliance with the App Store Review Guidelines.

Specifically, you have submitted auto-renewing subscriptions for review.

Please upload a new binary for review and resubmit your In-App Purchase(s) with the binary so that we can continue the review.

What to do?

Which part of

> Please upload a new binary for review and resubmit your In-App Purchase(s) with the binary so that we can continue the review.

is confusing? You need to submit a new binary that incorporates the IAP along with the IAP so they can reveiw how the app handles the IAP.

Also - you may discover that they do not feel that 'autorenewable subscription' is the appropriate category for what you wish to sell through IAP.

I agree that it is confusing I also go this message and am still a little confused.

"You need to submit a new binary that incorporates the IAP along with the IAP so they can reveiw how the app handles the IAP"

But this is exaccally what I did when I submitted the app I had them both set to be reviewed at the same time and the app was approved and the inapp purchase (subscription) was not. It got the developer action required about two weeks later. And is confusing because why cant they use the binary that I uplaoded that was approved with the inapp in it.

"Also - you may discover that they do not feel that 'autorenewable subscription' is the appropriate category for what you wish to sell through IAP"

Why cant they just say we dont feel this is the right in app purchase or we need more information.

>Why cant they just say we dont feel this is the right in app purchase or we need more information.

Because, right or wrong, they stop at the first issue. As well, if they said 'this isn't the right IAP', then the dev would say, 'well, which is', and then they'd start down the slippery slope of attempting to take over building the app for the dev, which they are not at all in a position to pursue since that make them responsible for whatever goes wrong later, etc. etc.... 😉

In this case it seems like a new one form of rejection (something went down causing this to become dev-facing), so the process may not have much meat on it's bones just yet, putting the burden on the dev to reach out - keep the conversation going as best you can and/or wait for them to come up with better replies and interpretations, etc.

>But this is exaccally what I did when I submitted the app I had them both set to be reviewed at the same time and the app was approved and the inapp purchase (subscription) was not.

I suspect that if they did not give you an explicit reason for rejecting the IAP then you did not attach the IAP to the binary before submitting it for approval.

Also - the first IAP submitted with an app must be submitted with a new binary so the two can be reviewed together. It's really not that dofficult to generate a new version of your binary.

Hi PBK, how do we get the store to review our IAP auto-renew products after we update the binary and metadata per the guidance? We keep resubmitting and our app gets reviewed and goes into "Pending Developer Release" but our updated products continue to be in "Waiting for Review". Please advise if possible.

You add a screenshot to your IAP. You make sure your IAP is not 'needs developer action.' You uplaod a new binary. On your app page in iTunesConnect you add the IAP to the binary. You submit the binary.

I'm having the same problem. I don't see any way to "add the IAP to the binary" in ITunes Connect for an already-published app with existing IAP

edit: aha!
You can link IAPs to Builds, but only IAPS that have not already been rejected once. I'll try and explain a bit better:

IAPS can be linked to Builds but only when the IAPS are in 'Ready to Submit' status

Unfortunately, if you submit an IAP on its own and it gets returned, it will be in 'Developer Action Needed' status. Then, as soon as you edit the IAP, it _automatically_ changes back to 'Waiting for Review' status, and hence you NEVER get the chance to link it to a build.

Thats why people are getting stuck.

Unfortunately, I think the only way to escape from this is to delete the rejected IAP and try again with a new one (and hence a different product id)'

Make sure you get the IAP to 'Ready to Submit' status but DONT submit it.
Instead go to your App Version tab and scroll down, you will see an 'In App Purchases' section with a + button that ONLY APPEARS when you have IAPS of status 'Ready to Submit'.

In short: a bug in the process means that once an IAP has been returned you can never get it back to 'Ready to Submit' status and so you are stuffed.

We had our IAPs working from April to October. Then suddenly all our IAPs were returned and the instructions were: resubmit the IAPs with the binary?! The only thing that I think may has to do something with this is that, when I tried to find a fix to this problem, I noticed that one of the fields from the bank info was suddenly empty. The thing is that we have not edited the bank info for years and we didn't do any adjusments with out IAPs.

I called to the Developer Support and the 4th support person adviced to just delete the old IAPs, create a new ones, add those in the App Detail Page and submit the new binary. Hopefully they work now.

Having gone back and forth on this a bit, I can't believe the solution is going to be to delete the IAP entirely! What a shoddy process. It wasn't obvious to me that you needed to add the IAP to a build in the first place

I was stuck by this process too. Thank you @codeulike for the answer!

App Store Connect is so weird sometimes

I faced with this issue and got answer from someone in Stackoverflow. You must ensure that your app are ready for 3 following points:

  1. The app version submission must be in the “Prepare for Submission” state
  2. There must be at least one IAP/subscription in the “Ready to Submit” state
  3. All banking & agreements must set up and in place

Read more here

Upload new binary for In-App Purchase(s) review?