On my MacPro I have some few issues.
Razer Synapse does not show any connection Razer device like my keyboard or my mouse.
Chrome WebGL is falling back to software rendering which causes some websites to become very slowly and flickery when scrolling.
Git-Tower is always crashing when opening a Git repository.
Had 2 Kernel Paniks when my Mac is set to sleep - Power Nap is disabled already (hope that fixes the Issue now)
LG TrueColor app for my 21:9 display says it couldnt find USB connection (I guess the same issue like with Razer Synapse)
StarCraft2 shows a pesky issue with this cursor zoom effect when shaking the mouse cursor. Still an issue How to disable 'Call out your cursor'?
Dropbox-experimental does not start at launch.
Box does crash and causes a dialog to show up, asking to terminate Box synchronisation.
Memory Monitor does not start all.
Typing my password to allow installations of tools is very troublesom. When I type as fast as usual then OSX does stop recognizing my typings at 3rd or 4th character. I have to type my password slowly or wait some time. I guess new security layer is kicking in here.
On my MBP I've tried to Install 10.11 from recovery but here it does not connect to Apple servers to check password of my Apple account. This happens when connected via WiFi as well as when connected to Ethernet. I guess I have to create a bootable USB stick first to do a fresh install on my MBP.
But thats it already. The rest is running without issues. Atom is running, nodejs is running, ErlangVM is running, CouchDB is running. So far so good.