No symbols for paired Apple Watch

I've created a new project with Xcode 7.0 which includes a Watch Kit app. I've updated my iPhone to iOS 9, and my watch to watchOS 2.0. I'm able to install version of my app by running the main app's Scheme and debugging on the device.

However, if I want to debug on the watch I need to run the [App Name] WatchKit scheme. I'm unable to select my phone+watch though because they are listed under Inelegible Devices with the parenthetical explanation: (No symbols for paired Apple Watch)

Anyone know how to get Xcode to download these symbols?

Answered by monokakido in 15948022

Xcode failed to download the symbol files from

I was successful to launch my watchOS app by following steps.

1. Download the symbol file installer for 13S5255c from

2. Create directory "~/Library/Developer/Xcode/watchOS DeviceSupport/2.0 (13S5255d)/Symbols"

3. Mount the DMG and open Watch1,1.pkg.

4. Change the destination directory to above directory. (DO NOT install to default location! OS X will be destroyed!)

5. Install symbol files.

6. Open project on Xcode 7 beta.

7. Disconnect and connect iPhone.

The symbol files may not match with the actual system. But I'm not interested in system symbols.

Looks like I've solved this simply by disconnecting and reconnecting the phone.

EDIT for Beta 2: I'm seeing the same issue as everybody else respodning after 6/24. My phone+watch target is listed as ineleigible for the reason: "(no symbols for paired Apple Watch)". Unmarking this answer as correct.

I am getting this same error but cannot resolve. Does anybody have any ideas?

I am running xcode 7 beta 2, ios9 beta 2, WatchOS 2 Beta 2.

I have the same issue with the same beta versions, and cannot resolve the issue as well. Xcode seems to start installing the symbols, but then suddenly stops the installation in a few seconds.

Me too.

I have a same problem with Xcode7 beta2, iOS9 beta2, watchOS2.0 beta2.

Help me...

On other occasions my xcode will instead say the explanation Ineligible Device: "myiPhone + (null)(paired device OS version)", and under devices nothing other than the Identifier will show up under Paired Watch Information. Nothing I do will resolve either error.

Yup. Same here for beta 2. Xcode tries to install symbols but then stops.

I am running xcode 7 beta 2, ios9 beta 2, WatchOS 2 Beta 2. And, my apple watch cannot reboot.

Same problem here with beta 2...

I tried to decouple AppleWach and pair with it again.

But, I have not resolved this problem...

I have the same problem with beta 2

Fired a bug report to Apple, I had same problem. Tried a lot of different things.

Same problem here. for watchOS 2 beta 2. I have tried re-pair. re-insall iOS, re-set watchOS. nothing works. This is really bad. that means developers have no way to develop watchOS with beta2.

I filed a bug report as well. I hope they fix the issue soon.

I see the same results with an iPhone 5s and an iPhone6.

I can't develop on the watch at all.

Apple Watch just became a $400 paperweight for the next two weeks.

Accepted Answer

Xcode failed to download the symbol files from

I was successful to launch my watchOS app by following steps.

1. Download the symbol file installer for 13S5255c from

2. Create directory "~/Library/Developer/Xcode/watchOS DeviceSupport/2.0 (13S5255d)/Symbols"

3. Mount the DMG and open Watch1,1.pkg.

4. Change the destination directory to above directory. (DO NOT install to default location! OS X will be destroyed!)

5. Install symbol files.

6. Open project on Xcode 7 beta.

7. Disconnect and connect iPhone.

The symbol files may not match with the actual system. But I'm not interested in system symbols.

Thanks you, this worked! This is the correct answer, except the path you mean is:

~/Library/Developer/Xcode/watchOS DeviceSupport/Watch1,2 2.0 (13S5255d)/Symbols

(You're missing the leading / and the "Watch1,2 " before the OS version.)

To clarify for others, step 4. is performed on the "Choose Destination" phase of the pkg installer. Use the above path that you pre-created.

mono- are you ablet to get a debug session started on the watch? Your method worked to get past the "inelegible devies" thing for me, but when I click run it just stays on "Running [AppName] WatchKit app on [Phone name]" indefinitely. Nothing launches.

I can debug my WatchKit App.

My symbol folder is "~/Library/Developer/Xcode/watchOS DeviceSupport/2.0 (13S5255d)/Symbols".

This is obviously because the watch symbol file isn't available from Apple downloads. I hope they fix it soon.

Yes, it looks like this symbols folder location works for me too. Still same behavior though, can't get a debug session to launch.

I had this issue on beta 1 too, so I don't think it's related to this symbols problem.

I think Apple removed that file after you posted it, as the link no longer works.

Before trying to download, please sign in to

I am signed in, but it still does not allow me to download it. However, I was able to get it working by copying my beta one symbols into the directory you indicated.

Copying is the simplest way!

I just solve this problem by creating a new folder named "watchOS DeviceSupport" under the path ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/. It seems that Xcode installs the files automatically mentioned in monokakido's answer. And somehow it works:)

No symbols for paired Apple Watch