No symbols for paired Apple Watch

I've created a new project with Xcode 7.0 which includes a Watch Kit app. I've updated my iPhone to iOS 9, and my watch to watchOS 2.0. I'm able to install version of my app by running the main app's Scheme and debugging on the device.

However, if I want to debug on the watch I need to run the [App Name] WatchKit scheme. I'm unable to select my phone+watch though because they are listed under Inelegible Devices with the parenthetical explanation: (No symbols for paired Apple Watch)

Anyone know how to get Xcode to download these symbols?

Answered by monokakido in 15948022

Xcode failed to download the symbol files from

I was successful to launch my watchOS app by following steps.

1. Download the symbol file installer for 13S5255c from

2. Create directory "~/Library/Developer/Xcode/watchOS DeviceSupport/2.0 (13S5255d)/Symbols"

3. Mount the DMG and open Watch1,1.pkg.

4. Change the destination directory to above directory. (DO NOT install to default location! OS X will be destroyed!)

5. Install symbol files.

6. Open project on Xcode 7 beta.

7. Disconnect and connect iPhone.

The symbol files may not match with the actual system. But I'm not interested in system symbols.

worked for me...

It works for me.

Thank you.

The status of AppleWatch is still unstable and Xcode sometimes shows "No symbols for paired AppleWatch".

My workaround is repeating the following actions.

1. Quit Xcode.

2. Disconnect watch.

3. Remove cache files at /Users/<user>/Library/Developer/Xcode

4. Run Xcode.

5. Connect watch, again.

I hope more stable IDE.......

"The issue should now be fixed for everyone. " ?
It's not working for me ...

I decided to run Xcode from command line for possible error traces. It seems that my Xcode was indeed unable to download and mount 'Watch1_1_13S5255d.dmg'. First URL it returned 404 and the second URL which is attempted on both my (Admin) team accounts failed with 403.Same experience after logging in and trying from browser. However, I saw that people here had access to this file. So, for the long-shot I VPNed to a US based server and was then able to download the dmg from:

(The one the previously returned the 403). The symbols were installed to:

~/Library/Developer/Xcode/watchOS DeviceSupport/Watch1,2 2.0 (13S5255d)/Symbols

I'm now able to debug on the Watch OS2 Beta 2 🙂

It's working for me.

My symbol folder is not the same .... it's:

"~/Library/Developer/Xcode/watchOS DeviceSupport/2.0 (13S5255d)/Symbols"

Pay close attention to step 4. Over the years, I've installed so many installers, I clicked too many times out of instinct. Thank God for Time Machine backups.

Agreed. It's not working at all, even tried @sonson_twit's instructions, unpairing, deleting and pairing, and it still can't find the symbols. Does anyone have the .dmg for download? My workflow is completely stalled now. 😟

This does not work for me. Still no symbols for Paired Apple Watch. 😟

Update: however, if I reinstall the SDK, reboot the watch, now it works!

There are many folders/files in /Users/<user>/Library/Developer/Xcode folder - all of them can be removed? Or?

This worked for me. You have to get the directory name exactly right (I missed the space after 2.0 and that was enogh). App now runs on the watch, but no debugger output. OTOH, I'm not getting any debugger output on the simulator either so I believe that to be a different issue (Installing and waiting to attach)

There might be some issues with allowing the access, as I got http error 403 (as per Console application on Mac).

In this case, as there are two userid's here: a) one University and b) one registered developer, it tried both (University first) and then declared for both that the access is forbidden:

"user ... does not have access to Symbols for watchOS 2.0".

It shouldn't be that way, and for watchOS 1.0.1 it was all working fine (sure, it wasn't a beta, but still it should be allowed for developers to access.

Would there be a bug to fix, or it is something strictly dealing with a given account?


I tried doing the same, but in addition to still getting 403, the VPN is detected and the "connecting to a server that is pretending to be adc..." as well.

Besides that, the same here - two accounts, of which one was a full iOS developer by old rules, plus all the new agreements are signed upon, as far as I can tell. Maybe both accounts need to have the given "access rights" to watch OS2...

This problem came back after installing watchOS 2 Beta 3.

Had to copy the symbols to a new folder that matched the build (13S5293f).

Am I going to have to do this for every version of the beta?

I had the same problem and confirm that just copying the beta 2 symbols to a new directory 2.0(13S5293f) solved the problem.


No symbols for paired Apple Watch