No Devices Registered Error tvOS

I'm trying to archive my tvOS app and upload it to the App Store. I have a tvOS App Store provisioning profile created and am connected to a developer account. However, I get this error:

No Devices Registered
Creating a provisioning profile requires one or more devices to be registered with your team. Connect a device to your Mac to add it to your team.

Does this mean that I need an actual Apple TV in order to do this? I do not own an Apple TV. Thus, there are none connected via their UDIDs to my developer account. Just checking to see if I'm understanding this correctly. And will buying and adding it's UDID to my developer account fix this issue? Just to reiterate, I'm not trying to deploy to an Apple TV to test. I'm trying to upload it to the App Store.

No, simply select 'generic tvOS device' when building and archiving.

This response is incorrect. Currently there isn't a way to publish an tvOS app to the App Store or even archive the app without owning an Apple TV. You can however build and test your application on the simulator without owning an Apple TV.

Interestingly enough, this isn't a requirement with visionOS as of now (and hopefully, fingers crossed it won't be added).

No Devices Registered Error tvOS