App is unable to launch from TestFlight

Hi, I've install my app from TestFlight for testing. After the download is completed, I tap on the "Open" button in TestFlight beside the app icon but the app does not show the initial screen. It just show an empty black screen.

I close the app and I tap the app icon from the device launch pad to run the app, it works perfectly.

If I close the app and go back to TestFlight to tap the "Open" button again, it shows empty black screen again.

This only happen in iPad with iOS 9.2. iPhone and all devices with older iOS version do not have this issue.

Did anyone face this issue as well? Or anyone know how to solve this?

Hey, were you able to fix this? I see same erro in my app.

Hi, I did not fix this. Somehow Apple claimed that it did not happen already and approved my app but now Apple reject the updated version of the same app again. I'm still looking for the solution but seems like no one is having this issue?

Hi, i am also having this issue, when i submitted my app to apple it gets rejected every time, for showing a black screen on iPad. However when i install my app via TestFlight on iPad, the first time i open it via TestFlight it is a black screen, and then after that it opens normally and works. Alternatively when i install my app via TestFlight, and then close TestFlight, and open the app from the home screen on iOS, it launches fine and works the first time.

If you resolved this i would love to know, as this is preventing me from sending my app to apple

Thank you

Did you figure this out? I am having this problem.

I fixed this by upgrading from xib files to storyboards, and altering my code to account for applicationWillResignActive being called an extra time when I launch from Testflight without a corresponding extra applicationDidBecomeActive. Hope this helps someone else!

Maybe someone have similar issue, i just wanted to share.
We have @ionic/react capacitor -app and normally i did not get any error, at testFlight we get black screen,
check config.capacitor.json, delete URLs under server .. we forgot our URL localhost still there, to be honest i did not know that could be problem , i spent time(days) to check storyBoard suggestions.


I’m facing this issue as well. Wondering if there reason/bug has been identified by the Apple team? This really disrupts the developer and user experience.

App is unable to launch from TestFlight