Cannot accept team invitation

Hi all,

There may be a similar thread related to iTunes connect in the forum but since my problem is slightly different I am opening up a new discussion. My company recently added me to a "Team" in apple developer portal and I got the invite in my inbox. I also have an Apple ID setup with company email address. When I go to accept the invitation I endup in a blank page. Chrome debugger shows 404 not found error,

I have omitted the exact invitation code from the URL but the page "accept.invite" itself seems to be not available anymore on Apple portal. Anyone else seeing this issue? What do I do?


I am meeting similiar problems now. No idea what happened.

Same here. Any official answer from Apple?

You know what guys,

The weirdest thing happened. Nothing was working (Firefox, chrome, safari, Macs and PCs -- nothing worked). And then this morning I tried the invitation link from an android phone (with default chrome browser).

And it f***ing worked !!!!

... ... ... wow I am literally dumfounded by whatever b*ll-cr*p workflow Apple has put out there (live) for managing developer invitations. In another thread, the iTunes connect issue lingered for half a month without resolution. For a top tech company, whose development platform thousands of developers rely upon ..... the indifference is amazeballs ! Anyway hope the Android trick helpls others and keep sharing your experiences.

Worked for me by using a different network (e.g. turning off wifi and visiting the link on cellular network)

Yes, the solution is to try it from different network. It wasn't working for me from UPC (Hungary), but worked fine from T-Mobile (Hun) from my phone.

I got this message from dev support about an hour and a half ago:

"Our teams are currently aware of this issue and are working to get it resolved as quickly as possible."

Be sure to use Apple Mail to read/accept/follow those invites.

Guys... I was testing using a mobile (Android phone) with mobile network and work!!!!!

Yep, I got this problem too, but not exactly the same. I click the invitation and log in my developer account, and I even received a email says "Welcome to the apple developer program", but I just CAN NOT join the team. And I've tried for thousands of times, but it just don't work. But on the second day after I click the invitation I finally join the team.

Cannot accept team invitation