TestFlight Operation_failed

In Itunes Connect, In TestFlight Section after selecting the build for internal testing and if i click in Start Testing, I am getting an error as Operation_failed. Any body facing similar? If yes, can somebody please help me out whats the reason of this error.


Just tried this. It does not work.

Same hear any news on this?

Same here :(


The exact same problem.

Same here. Console reports Internal Server Error (500).

same problem here, wait for 1 day to check again and its still operation_failed

Same issue also for me. Submitted a bug report. I guess that is all we can do.

+1 same problem !!

I am getting this too. "operation_failed" while activigating test flight build..

Same problem here. Get this error when trying to add new build for Internal Testing.

Build Undefined, then !operation_failed

Is there anyone who can solve?

Yup same error here on one of our projects. Using Xcode 7.1. Never had this problem before.


This is blocking

the same problem for 2 days...😠

Same here - unbelievably poor service and communication from them


xcode 6.4: "This application you have selected does not exist"

application loader uploads fine, but then when I select it for internal testing: "Operation_failed".

Edit: I just noted this also under the Features tab in itunes connect:

"An In-App Purchase has been returned and is highlighted in the table below."

IAP is not activated in the project, and has never been.