TestFlight Operation_failed

In Itunes Connect, In TestFlight Section after selecting the build for internal testing and if i click in Start Testing, I am getting an error as Operation_failed. Any body facing similar? If yes, can somebody please help me out whats the reason of this error.


I found the cause in my case: YOU HAVE TO ADD THE iPAD PRO PICTURES. Once, you add the iPad Pro Pictures, it works !

I'm sorry but that was just a coincidence. I had ipad Pro screenshots in there from the beginning and this problem only went away on its own after two days.

Just started having the same problems today. Really Really annoying.



good this today for internal testing in safari & chrome.

Seems to do with this export compliance change in the info.plist

Same here... it would be super helpful if instead of operation_failed it would let me know WHY it failed!!!!

Same here. We cannot proceed since 2 days. What a poor service, Apple. I assume it has something to do with the new export compliance information. I also added the key that they announce in the inital itunes connect page.

Any updates on this apple?

Same problem here. No solution???

Did anyone already submit a support ticket? I am experiencing the same issues.

My boss talked to apple tech support today. We investigated the issue and sent them all the data we found. At least they are aware of the case right now. All in all the reason for the error is certainly the new export compliance that they added in March. You can trace down to the bug with chrome console and find that their javascript code is handling the provided data object wrong. We will talk talk to them again in some hours. I really hope they can fix this quickly.

Hello people,

I had similar problem and I found seemingly dumb solution that worked for me.

1. I first sellected "Not available for testing" located below currently sellected version to disable testing

2. Clicked save and confirmed

3. Then I sellected the app version I had problems with and it worked!

After this I could swap versions without problems.

I hope this helps someone and solves the issue.


Great. This really works. Thank you!

Great workaround, thanks a lot!