You must choose a price tier in Pricing.

I tried to send next version of app in to review and got this error message (You must choose a price tier in Pricing). Never see it before and for sure price tier was set, because it's not a first version of the app. And even more strange it worked for me yesterday's morning.

Unfortunately I can't even change it in Pricing & Availability - selector is not clickable (tried in different browsers including Safari). I guess it's some problem with itunesconnect in general and it will be fixed soon but would glad if combody could confirm this.

Answered by Zeezedzipster in 72630022

Fixed now

I am having the exact same issue.

Hope this will be fixed soon!

I'm having the same issue. I'm unable to send the next version of my app even if I've setted the price a month ago.

Waiting for a fix !

Me too!

Me too!!

+1 I am having the exact same issue.

The same issue here! Can't do a submit because of this problem. Hope there is a fix for it soon.

+1 same issue on all browser / all languages / all OS

Bug Report 23045440 submitted.

Same problem here!

me too

Me too

I have the same problem.

Same here!
Bug Report 23045662 submitted.

Same problem here, in the browser console I get a:

Error: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'tier.tierStem')

Same problem in the price section where the dropdown list for price selection is not working.

Same here. I get a JavaScript error in console.

You must choose a price tier in Pricing.