ios 9 in house app unable to install

I have alot of apps that distribute with In-House certificate which allowed user to download from WEB via Apple device. And i did try to install it from my apple device Safari and it is success until i upgrade my IOS to IOS 9... Is someone facing the same problem and fixed ? kindly advise...


We have same problem. It appears only after update to 9.2.1

I am also facing same issue.

One year on and I'm experiencing the same problem. Some of our users can tap the itms link and download without issue, others experience a generic "app could not be installed at this time" error message no matter how many times they try. The log files are equally unhelpful in determining the root cause of the problem. Assuming this isn't an iOS bug, more detailed error messages are an absolute necessity.

I have the same problem, I tested a lot of thing to try to find a solution because I have an iPhone 6s that has the problem ...

When i test to "Erase All content and settings", this one solved my problem, but I can not ask my clients to do this ...


Nor I! If you can manage to get the phone to produce the error again I would be very interested to hear the steps you took. (And I'd be even more interested to get a response from Apple on this issue after two years of silence. Hello? Hello?!)

I quickly found a solution ... but this solution is not suitable .... I try to reproduce without achieving it. But it seems to me that if I take an iphone used for a few months and that is on iOS 10+ I will encounter the problem.

I asked a friend (he does not use inhouse certificates) he advised me to redo new certificates (I have not tested I dont have anymore iPhone in this state) or look at the entitlements ....

This problem is the most complicated I have ever encountered .... Apple, thank you for helping us in the future... is anyone able to open a ticket for this problem?

My application is compiled with xCode 7.2 (7C68).

- Problem with iphone 6s and iOS 10.0.2

- I tried to update in 10.2.1 this did not fix the problem.

- I tried to reboot.

- The application waiting but is not visible in "/ settings / general / Storage & iCloud Usage / (Storage) Manage Storage

- I tried to install other application who use the same enterprise account and same problem and more of pop-up (because we use htaccess) ..

Full erase of my iPhone solve problem for my testing Phone but I cant ask my clients to make this.

Your friend knows his stuff - generating a provisioning profile with the same settings as the old one and recreating the IPA with the new profile has fixed the issue for our users. We'll be taking the extra step of recreating the provisioning profile each time we release, which as far as I know is not intended behaviour. Thanks for the help Bertrand.

Hi, i would like to know, do you have earlier other aapp in device with same bundle identifier ? i faced this problem and resolved by deleting old app with same bundle ideentifier.

Kind Regards,


Apple Developer

App Development Studio