ios 9 in house app unable to install

I have alot of apps that distribute with In-House certificate which allowed user to download from WEB via Apple device. And i did try to install it from my apple device Safari and it is success until i upgrade my IOS to IOS 9... Is someone facing the same problem and fixed ? kindly advise...


You have to explicitly trust Enterprise apps over OTA now in settings.

hi, i have the same issue on ios9 ipa file... i try to remake and download certificate from but doesn't work... any ideas?

I am able to install the Enterprise apps on my device, but when I go into Settings -> General -> Profile to trust and verify my distribution profile, I get an error that says I'm not connected to the internet (I am connected).

I found this article on Apple's support site, which makes reference to a website ( that appears to be unavaible (Chrome tells me the certificate is invalid, while all other attempts to access the site fail).

So, I can install, but not run any of my enterprise apps. Any one else experiencing this?

We are having the same issue. Solution?

Just tried again and it worked. I'm guessing their site issues are resolved.

I love you! This solved it for me. 😍

I am having the same issue. I successfully installed the enterprise app. However, when I go to "Verify App" in settings, I am getting the following error:

"Unable to Verify "<Developer goes here>" Apps"

"A network connection is required to verify "<Developer name goes here>" apps on this iPhone. Connect to the Internet and try again."

An app that I was able to install and verify on other iOS 9 devices last week, now gets this error on the verification step.

Has anyone having this issue and were you able to resolve it? Is it an issue with the Apple server?

Having same problem. It looks like an issue on Apple server side.

Seeing same problem too. Seems like apple server is down.

Dear all,

Nothing to worry so much. As per Apple policy you should change your build number every time you make a install of your app. So just change the version number and here you go. Think it of same as that you do when you upload an app to iTunes for approval. Every upload in a version should have different build number.

Enjoy using iOS. Follow the rules always.


We are having exactly same problem with our enterprise app. Could you please update with status of yout ticket with Apple?

Yep, Preferences:General:Profiles then trust the signing identity

Issue is occuring again. Several reports...

Same here. All enterprise apps (regardless of whether they're being installed by MDM or not) are showing untrusted enterprise developer. If it is on an unmanaged iOS device and the user goes into settings>general>profiles and approves the trust the error then says there is no network connection.

We are unable to resolve the site internally or externally, so I have a feeling this is a widespread issue.

Anyway of reporting to Apple? I'm having same issue.