iOS 9 beta - how to leave beta program?!

any good workaround how to keep iOS 9 and leaving the beta program?

maybe wait til sept. 16th release date of the official iOS 9?

thanks for any help,


Answered by Max108 in 55947022
  1. Unenroll from the Beta Program by going to and use the link at the bottom.
  2. Go to Settings > General > Profiles. Select Apple Beta Profile, scroll down and hit delete, then yes on the confirmation.
  3. Just in case your iDevice already downloaded the iOS 9.1 update, check Settings > General > Usage > Manage Storage. If you see the iOS 9.1 beta there then select it and delete.

Then later today, when the final iOS 9.0 is released, you'll be offered to update to it OTA.

No it is error occurred while checking for update. And when i unlock my device it says new ios version available upgrade from ios9 beta.

Is it still 9.1 that it is offering you? Or is it offering you the final release of 9.0?

It is offering nothing, it just shows error while checking for spftware update. If u will share your email id, i can send the screenshots.

It's okay - I believe you 🙂.

Please reset your iDevice by holding the home and power buttons together until the screen goes black (don't worry - you won't get locked out).

Okay! Will do that now.

It did nothing, still facing the same problems? I want to know what will happen if PB3 expires. And is there any chance that i can enroll back to beta program to be on a safe side?

Yes, you can enroll back into the Beta program to aviod PB3 expiring on you, but first you should try connecting your iDevice to iTunes and seeing what it offers you automatically or, if it doesn't offer you any update automatically, then click on "Update" in iTunes and see what it offers you then.

When PB3 will expire? I will connect to itunes as soon as possible and will let you know.

That information is not publicly available and so I don't have it. You've probably got a few days at least...

Okay! Thanks

I tunes says the version of iphone softwere 9.0 is the current version. In software update i get no update option. What to do now.

I just got an option to update my device to ios 9 Thank you.


I read your post - I am having the exact same problems.

I don't get any oppotunity til update to iOS 9.0. I have done the exact same things you did.

Any ideas?


I read your post - I am having the exact same problems as ArpanJain.

I don't get any oppotunity til update to iOS 9.0. I have done the exact same things he did.

Any ideas?

iOS 9 beta - how to leave beta program?!