I know that it's possible to use Apple's own remote app on an iPhone to have it act as a basic controller for games (and other apps) on tvOS apps... but what if people want to implement their own, unique controller UIs (and related UIs eg hiding info from other players in the room) on iOS devices and have those control tvOS apps? What's the best way to do this kind of thing for tvOS apps?
My first thought (perhaps wrongly) was to use the MultipeerConnectivity framework, but I noticed that's been removed from tvOS. Is there a reason why MultipeerConnectivity isn't available in tvOS? Is there a preferred way to write custom controller apps on iOS devices for interacting with tvOS apps?
Thanks in advance for any thoughts on this...
You are correct that the Multipeer Connectivity framework is unavailable.
Please file an enhancement request at bugreporter.apple.com if you would like to see this framework brought over to tvOS.
Currently, you have several options for connectivity as discussed in this page, such as using CoreBluetooth, or connecting over the local network using Bonjour discovery.