Anyone able to submit iOS 9 apps yet?

Get errors when trying to submit an iOS 9 (built with XCode 7 GM) app in iTunes Connect.


What OSX are you running? Not a beta one?

Last year somebody faced similar issue, is the solution the same?

Some of my apps uploaded fine, and some have these issues - and I observed that those have these issues have both Objective-C (in iPhone code) and Swift (in Watch code).

I'm using the Xcode 7GM but I get an invalid binary with this error:

Invalid Swift Support - The SwiftSupport folder is empty. Rebuild your app using the current public (GM) version of Xcode and resubmit it.

Anyone was able to fix it?

Please also see my post here:

In my case the app's binary is being corrupted by TestFlight. It trims it down to a few kb compared to the actual size (9MB). I verified this by unfortunately having to 'you know what-break' it. I spent more than 48 hours non-stop with maybe a couple of hours of restless sleep so that was warranted.

Have you found a solution?

Yes, I ran with last 10.11 beta 8. Is that the problem?

You must use GM everything to submit apps to the store. OSX, XCode

Received email from Apple few days ago that GM builds are allowed. Tried again without any other change, just bumped build number, and it finally did work - binary uploaded and no obscure errors for more than 24h 🙂

Have the same problem (XCode 7 GM, El Cap GM).

Possible solution:

After struggling with this for three days now, we do have a solution that works for us and hopefully works for some of you as well:

It seems like that creating the .ipa your self e.g. through a continuous integration server is NOT possible anymore as it then contains the wrong swift and watch kit support files. So the first thing you should try is:

Archive and upload your app through Xcode 7 GM.

This, however, didn't work for as either as the 'Upload to App Store...' button was grayed out because Xcode marked the created archive as 'Generic Xcode Archive' instead of 'iOS App Archive'.

It turns out, this happens when you have cocoapods link a framework to a watchOS 2 application.

To fix this we had to digg a little bit deeper into the archive: Open the archive in the Finder, right click on it and chose 'Show package contents'. Open the 'Info.plist' of the archive in a text editor and add the following:

  <string>iPhone Distribution: <<CERTIFICATE_NAME>> (<<CERTIFICATE_ID>>)</string>

If you have an old, working archive, you can copy the values from there and simply change the marketing version and the build number.

After closing Xcode and restarting it, the archive was shown as 'iOS App Archive' and we could successfully upload the binary to the app store through Xcode.

Note: I filled the ipa generation issue under rdar://22683061 and the cocoapods releated archive building issue under rdar://22682898

i contacted the dev support. pls see the screenshot

We're getting the same issue. Have you been able to resolve this?

Hi, i have same issue

Did you find the solution ?

Same Issue "No version found for 'adamID - platform'.. Any Solution??