WCSession not working with glances

Hello all,

Im trying to use watch connectivity with Messaging to retrieve data from the phone for my glance as well as my app (interface). The interface controller seems to be working. However for the GlanceInterface WCSession never is "reachable" thus not allowing me to use messaging to retrieve data. Do we need to start a WCSession in both the Glance and the interface? or just one maybe in the extensiondelegate.h. If we do need to start a session in the glance and interface has anyone run into the issue where it never is reacable in the glance?

I noticed is reachable is only true when the watch app is in the foreground. Does anyone have suggestions when the app is started to call messaging, it seems if I try to make the call right in the "willactivate" it will return an "device not reachable" error, but I dont want the users to have to push a button to load data , i want it loaded when the app is started.

Any suggestions or ideas would be great !

In glance and interface

- (void)willActivate {
     [super willActivate];
     if ([WCSession isSupported])
     WCSession *session = [WCSession defaultSession];
     session.delegate = self; [session activateSession];
     [session activateSession];
WCSession not working with glances