SpriteKit Perfomance

I noticed some performance issues with SpriteKit on iOS 9 beta 5 (at least on older devices).

My code on iOS 8.x runs at 60 FPS, but on iOS 9 beta 5 runs at ~30 FPS.

On the previous iOS 9 betas, the code ran at 60 FPS.

Does anybody else have the same issues?

My development devices are an iPad (4th generation) and an iPhone 4S. I don't have a newer device to test on.



Hi nilPill,

So far I have not found a way to navigate the OS versions beyond setting the deployment version to 9.2. That does leave 8.x install devices out of the loop. Short of avoiding features that aren't working for you there seems to be no other way of ensuring that no 9.0 or 9.1 users get your app.

Your issue with the centerRect will not make 9.2. For your example above you would have to ensure that uv_checker_small is 60x60 (including transparent region) and you use the normal spriteNodeWithTexture, forgoing prescribing a different size. It is the size override that is causing the issue in the 9 part scaler.

If you have a case where the size is not overridden and you are seeing issues on 9.2 please file a radar as I have not been able to reproduce such a case.


If I detect the OS in use at startup and find 9.0 or 9.1, can I warn the user they need to update the OS in order to proceed with using the application? If I then prevent the application from loading further, will this be a probem when I submit my app for review?

That is disapointing to hear about the centerRect property. I rely on it in a number of places in my app which explains why I resize the texture. Thank you for letting me know it won't make 9.2 so I can begin working on my own solution.

Have a look at resizableImageWithCapInsets(_:) and its family of animatedResizableImageNamed(_:capInsets:resizingMode:duration:) etc.

There's almost no chance these work well with Sprite Kit based on the complaints about merging UIKit with Sprite Kit.

I'd have thought 9-Slice scaling woudl be a truly native part of Core Animation, but I can't find.

And I'd also have thought Apple would call it 9-Slice scaling so everyone that might ever want to use it would know what it is they're talking about.



i still have this problem when i get a message from iMessage while i m playing the game. The fps drops to ~40.

I'm using iphone 6 plus with ios 9.2.1


SpriteKit Perfomance