SpriteKit Perfomance

I noticed some performance issues with SpriteKit on iOS 9 beta 5 (at least on older devices).

My code on iOS 8.x runs at 60 FPS, but on iOS 9 beta 5 runs at ~30 FPS.

On the previous iOS 9 betas, the code ran at 60 FPS.

Does anybody else have the same issues?

My development devices are an iPad (4th generation) and an iPhone 4S. I don't have a newer device to test on.



I am having the same issues. Projects that ran at 60FPS under XCode6 and iOS 8.x start off at 60 FPS but rapidly run down to around 30FPS in XCode7 and iOS9 beta 5 (same result on all betas for me). I am using an iPOD touch 5th Gen and iPhone6, with the same results on both.

I tried to create a new project with nothing in, and just press the screen enough times to get the spaceship on screen 50 times and the same happens. I performed the same test using my iOS 8.x iPhone using XCode 6 and it happily took 100 spaceships with no FPS drop.

I then bought a new 6th Gen iPOD Touch, but this is just working the same as the 5th Gen one.

I disconnected the devices from XCode and ran standalone and they did keep to 60 FPS but not everytime i ran them, so at the moment i am still stuck with not being able to develop any SpriteKit stuff.

I can confirm I'm seeing the same behaviour - on iOS 9 beta 5, my SpriteKit game went from 60 to 30 fps. I'm using an iPhone 5.

The previous versions of iOS 9 beta did not have this issue, even though the performance was a bit off, it was far from dropping to 30 fps. With iOS 9 beta 5, the app seems capped at this particular framerate and I'm stuck too, unable to continue any Sprite Kit development with the latest SDK.

With iOS 8 and XCode 6, the framerate is back to the usual 60 fps. Can anyone at Apple confirm this will be fixed in a later beta? Thanks!

Performance of the SpriteKit is horrible at this moment (iOS9 beta5 + Xcode 7 beta 6).

-drop fps from 60 to 30

-interruption of performance, no smooth...

-SKEmitterNode is a very big bug

Same here...

57/60 fps < iPhone 5 / iOS 8.4.1

30/36 fps < iPhone 5 / iOS 9 beta 5

Please submit bug reports about these performance issues using our bug reporting tool at <https://developer.apple.com/bug-reporting/>. Posting the problems is useful for the discussion, but submitting bug reports is the right way to have these issues looked at.

Same here

Apple bug 22535021

Is there any point to the Apple bug numbers? Can others track them or or some other way confirm they have the same problems?

How do we know when something is a common issue for performance?

eg. all of the above seems to be the case for my experiences using Scene Kit, too. But I don't see anyone even acknowledging using Scene Kit, let alone anyone talking about its performance.

You can repost to OpenRadar using the bug number.

Same for me. On iOS 8 my game works well with no lag. On iOS 9 the game is laggy with unstable fps.

Same here with iOS 9 GM !!!

My game is on the App Store already. It runs fine in iOS 7 & 8, but too slow to play in 9 GM.

In 10 days, iOS 9 will release to the public and I'm not sure I can do anything about the issue.

Damm you Apple!

I'm experiencing the same problem. My game Pico Rally that is available in App Store does not run very well on iOS 9. Really poor framerate. I'm not sure what to do now, shall I try to optimize the game in XCode 7, or shall I wait to see if Apple improves the performance of Sprite Kit?

Just wanted to report the same. Very poor performance on iPhone 6 with ios9 GM and XC7GM.

My physicsbodies started to teleport after I went from beta to GM.

Yeah, I guess this is place, because FPS "seem capped" at 30fps on iDevice and the physics bodies, or the physics world, joints etc, act totally different on iOS 8.x vs iOS 9.x.


Issues seams to be resolved, at least my apps run fine in the latest GM build.

SpriteKit Perfomance