Reporting App Store App

Nothing makes me angrier than watching how the App Store is getting worse and worse for independent developers. If nobody can find your application then nobody will use it. I have a Calculator application that when you search for Calculator it doesn't show up, but a ton of other types of applications do that have nothing to do with Calculator. You used to be able to just keep scrolling and you could find my application, and I used to get lots of downloads. Now, nobody can find it unless they put in either my business name or the actual name of my app. The worst part is, my application name has Calculator in the name and it still doesn't show up.

Second, I bank with US BANK and I use the banking app. It has so many fake reviews hourly that show up... they are obviously fake. There seems to be no way to report this to Apple. There use to be a REPORT button in the app store, but not anymore.

Apple has now made enough money off of everyone they now only cater to the large developers and those that bring in the big bucks and leave us small application developers in the dust.

Does anyone know how you can report an application that is not abiding by the rules that Apple has created.

This is right from the guidelines:

If you attempt to cheat the system (for example, by trying to trick the review process, steal user data, copy another developer’s work, manipulate ratings or App Store discovery) your apps will be removed from the store and you will be expelled from the Developer Program.


I only know the "report a problem" link, which leads to

Just remember that your dev agreement only requires to police yourself.

Feel free to file bugs against the process via the bug reporter link below.

  • @KMT what's the problem when using the "Report a problem" link and under the app it says: "Reporting not available". How to enable this in the app?

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