For an app in TestFlight, initial onboarding UI is obscured

I have an initial onboarding video in my app that gets occluded by the TestFlight overlaid introductory UI - the two screens, the first screen titled "From the Developer", and the second is "Share Feedback".

By the time the beta tester gets past those two screens, my introductory video has completed, and the user doesn't even really know what they missed.

Is there any way that I can turn that off? Or any TestFlight-related API that will tell me when those two screens have been dismissed? My app is live and up and running in the background, so the usual lifecycle methods of viewDidLoad, viewWillAppear, etc., are all called even though the screens are not visible.

Answered by ryoustra in 409116022

Solution: use applicationWillResignActive/applicationDidBecomeActive to automatically pause/play the video or any active content that might be occluded by the injected TestFlight onboarding screens.

Accepted Answer

Solution: use applicationWillResignActive/applicationDidBecomeActive to automatically pause/play the video or any active content that might be occluded by the injected TestFlight onboarding screens.

For an app in TestFlight, initial onboarding UI is obscured