Your enrollment in the Apple Developer Program could not be completed at this time.

Hello i tried to enroll for Apple developer program but i got that message

Your enrollment could not be completed.

"Your enrollment in the Apple Developer Program could not be completed at this time."

And i am not able to proceed further.


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Same here...
Same problem here. In Hawaii. I get a 406, with a resultCode 202000 and a "Your request could not be processed" when I try to register as an individual/sole proprietor.
Same here in Vietnam, it's show up after accepting the agreement.
same here in Korea
Same Problem here, in US and support was not helpful at all. Any closer to a solution?
+1 I called support twice and no one seems to know what's going on.
Same here !!! Northridge, California
Same here, Russian Federation
Same here - Switzerland

So far I've read through many posts and articles describing this problem.

It appears there were issues with payment in the past (last 9 months) but this problem seems to be different (as the error appears at a different registration step) and is more recent. (Payment issue thread:

I think this problem might even be completely unrelated to any of your account settings (location, payment, devices, etc.) and is just a technical issue caused by apple themself.

I wonder if any individual developers are able to sign up right now. What do you think?
I got the same,

If it helps somehow, I still could create an app in Xcode signing it with my "not created" Apple ID.
Same here - Brazil

The response from server on submit the form is:
Code Block json
   "resultString":"Your request could not be processed",
   "userString":"Your request could not be processed",

Maybe it's a server side problem? Seems that Apple does not care about it.

Same here. Already developed application, and i just cant enroll:

Your enrollment in the Apple Developer Program could not be completed at this time.
there is also response of getting profile. Anyone knows what’s mean : idVerified: false?

Is there any Id verification procedure?
Same problem in France :( What is happening ? And why apple do nothing ? I see this issue is still alive since 6 months for many peoples without any communication from apple.... It's unbelievable !
Your enrollment in the Apple Developer Program could not be completed at this time.