Internal testers cannot see app in Testflight app


I have run through as many different things as possible:

1. Changed build version

2. Reset provisioning profile

3. Deleted and readded appstore connect users

I have even changed SKU, bundle identifier, and created a new app. Nothing is working. Testers cannnot see the app in testflight.

It has been working perfectly until this weekend and suddenly: not working.

Any help appreciated!


I am also having this problem.

Thank you so much. This fix solved my issue.

Even after said all issues resolved, my testflight app was stuck showing an old expired build and would not refresh. Reinstalling the Testflight app on my phone fixed the issue.

It is kind of unprofessional to not have any Apple employee answer this very process-breaking issue and yet solutions are being provided by the users, this really does not look good for you, Apple.

I have been having this issue for more than 2 days now... Normally any company that prides itself on maintaining high tech standards would have an issue like this fixed within hours. It is very frustrating and disappointing to see how unimportant app developers are to Apple. Any issue that causes production delays should be top priority to Apple, and yet no one from Apple can be bothered to even respond to this thread where so many people have reported having the same issue.

I apologize for the frustrated post, but you have to show some sign of awareness when issues like these arise and at least provide some sort of message to let us know you're on top of it, otherwise it is easy to assume you aren't doing anything about it and not even aware or don't even care, despite these very active forums that you created, trying to let you know about it, but somehow you still need us to contact your support team that would answer us in one to two business days, usually that is a last resort and we have already lost a lot of time trying to fix the issue. Using this method of providing support only fixes the same FlightTest-wide issue on a case by case basis, rather than applying a fix to your whole system.

Please show us some sign that you are aware of this issue and are working on fixing it, Apple.

I have the same issue.

Same issue here in Greece. I've just spent several hours uploading 14 apps and found the issue that none of my internal testers can update to the latest build through TestFlight. Even though I expired the previous builds, TestFlight is still showing them as available and if you delete them from the device you are still able to install these expired builds.

Uninstalling and reinstalling TestFlight doesn't fix the problem.

I added the “App Uses Non-Exempt Encryption” key to the Info.plist as outlined in the link below, and increased the build number before rearchiving and uploading to App Store Connect

Now the new builds show up in TestFlight, however they get published immediately so you don't get the chance to add the Test Information in the 'What To Test' box until after it's published, and in TestFlight it shows "No test notes" even though I did type in and save Test Information.

**** that was it!!! Just added `ITSAppUsesNonExemptEncryption` set to false in my plist, re-submitted and now my app shows up in test flight again.

So Apple made this explict without any validation check that tells us we're missing a key?? WTH.

This is especially crazy for watchOS only apps because the main plist is generated (for the fake iOS app). So you cannot add that key unless you generate your archive and THEN add that `ITSAppUsesNonExemptEncryption` key and push the app again.


I'm encountering this same issue today as well. This is preventing my testers from accessing the newest builds.. quite the bummer I must say.

I opened TestFlight this morning and the new builds that weren’t there yesterday are now showing up. Also the ‘What to Test’ notes are showing up too, so looks like they've fixed everything 😃 👍-1F3FB;


Please help! I'm having issues with my builds for AppStore Connect users. As I've never released to an external user before and will now have to wait 48 hours to see the result for an external user, I'm hoping to confirm that our issues are the same.

Were your builds being successfully sent through to TestFlight for your AppStore Connect users? But upon installing and opening the "new" build you weren't seeing any of the updates you made to your app?

Please let me know! Thanks for your help!

Had the same problem. Uninstalled Test Flight, uploaded a new build still nothing. Eventually I noticed that all of my App Store Connect Users were removed. Added them all back in and now it's working! Hoping the solution will be as easy for you all!

I had a similar problem where a new build would show in the Apple Developer Portal as "Ready to Test" but would not show up for Internal Testers in the TestFlight app. For me the solution was to "expire" all previous builds. Once I did that the new build immediately showed up in TestFlight.

Normally I don't do this and I typically have many builds "available" so I was wondering why I had to expire all builds this time. What was different...

Before this build my Apple Distribution Certificate had expired so I did have to make a new one before the upload process would complete. So my suspicion is that TestFlight will not show builds for the same bundleID signed with different certificates. That would explain why expiring old builds solved the problem.

I have the same issue today : the build is available for submission for external tests and for App Store, but not for internal testers... When the built showed up I selected that it uses encryption /exempted as usual (and this is correct), and I had the button Start Internal Tests.

..but, 3 hours after it is still not available for internal testers. Usually it is available right away.

Also this is the 11th edition (this one is a minor upgrade) of our app and we had no issues with the previous ones.

So I guess this is more a TestFlight issue

Does anyone also meet this issue ?

Finally I found the solution by entering testflight app from the 'Customer Support' mobile and scroll to bottom then stop testing for all the old builds and re-invite them to the new build, now they received an email with the new.

What worked for me was to click that TestFlight invitation email on an Android browser so it can reveal a code that can be redeemed in the TestFlight app in the iOS device.

Internal testers cannot see app in Testflight app