Internal testers cannot see app in Testflight app


I have run through as many different things as possible:

1. Changed build version

2. Reset provisioning profile

3. Deleted and readded appstore connect users

I have even changed SKU, bundle identifier, and created a new app. Nothing is working. Testers cannnot see the app in testflight.

It has been working perfectly until this weekend and suddenly: not working.

Any help appreciated!


I am also having this problem.

I too am seeing this issue. My build shows a green circle and "Testing Expires in 89 days" on the App Store Connect, TestFlight, IOS Builds page.

I am the Admin and Account holder. In TestFlight on iPhone i just see message "No Apps Available to Test". My Internal Testers also unable to get / see the latest build in TestFlight.

I emailed Apple Developer Support 5 hours ago on this too, but so far no response.

I've been working on this for the last 10 hours. So frustrating!!!! I get the email that says the app was successfully submitted and is ready for internal testing only to find a Status of "No Builds Available" for internal users in the Test Flight tab. I think I read every bit of documentation and search google for hours. I clicked every button on App store connect, checked that user roles were correct, removed and re-added users, installed and uninstalled TestFlight on my phone, proved the app works perfectly on my local IOS devices. Is it me or is Apple the most difficult company to work with as a developer. I'm exhausted.

I am also having this problem. Expiring the build does not seem to work as well as the expired builds are still downloadable. I have tried removing the tester from App Store Connect Users and re-inviting and it still shows the oudated build. Occassionally, this seems to work but its very sporadic.

I am also having this problem.

I am having the same issue. Don't know why Apple team didn't even notice it?

Ah thank god it's not just me! LOL I've been going stir crazy. I guess we have to wait for the devs to wake up and fix the issue.

I'm also experiencing the same problem.

Guys, I am also facing issues today. I have uploaded multiple versions of same app on testflight, but none is getting reflected in TestFlight app for our QA team to verify.

I have the same issue.

Same issue here since weekend!

Been experiencing this since Sunday 09-02-20, 8pm UTC. Tried multiple things but no luck.

Just spoke to Apple Support, they're not aware of the issue, so can everyone who's experiencing this please call/email them to report this issue.

some issues today!

I have the same issue.

Apple are now looking into this. People can call in providing information so it can be resolved faster hopefully. I've just this second got off the phone with Apple.

I'm not sure this is a Europe issue, or global -

The same issue today, tried with 2 builds.

Canada/ NA issue in my case

Same issue here. Ringing up in the morning to hopefully get solved. Techincal now closed in UK.

Same issue since yesterday. Emailed Developer Support team, but no reply yet.

Yep, caught this at my day job today. I called Apple regarding this issue and they are escallating it with a senior advisor. No ETA though.

Same issues here

Same issue here. Tried re-submit a new version and nothing. I cannot add new users to test too.

Same problem here ...

Same issue. In US, Same problem.

Same here - wasted 2 hours on this today.

Internal testers cannot see app in Testflight app