Is there any way to use RealityKit with Reality Composer in Swift Playgrounds (iPad)?

I have created my scene in Reality Composer but when I import the RCProject file in my Swift Playgrounds project, I can’t access the class.

Any clues?


Any response from Apple?

Yes. Its now possible. I have written a proof-of-concept for pulling usdz & reality files directly from to Playgrounds App on Ipad. You can just copy and paste the code directly into Playgrounds app & the Reality scene at this location will => will be imported straight into your Playground from the web. I'm also working on an api for custom queries. So you could upload your own usdz or reality files to sharing platforum and build your own test apps in Playgrounds on Ipad.

Code here =>

One option is to export to .reality, upload that to cloud storage and pull it in Swift Playgrounds. I've made a video to do exactly that: Hope it helps!