How can I update the build for an app that's approved for pre-order?

I've submitted an app that's approved for pre-order and want to submit a new build to update the existing build.

But, when I try to upload this build, I get the error: "the Info.plist file must contrain a higher build version than the previously approved version [1.0]". This makes sense, and usually, I'd reject the current build and reupload.

But, for pre-orders, I can't see a way to do this. The only thing I can see is to remove it from sale. But, I don't want to do that. I just want to replace the build? Is this possible? And if not, what will happen to the users who have already pre-ordered the app?

Thanks for any help.

Answered by KMT in 394551022

>I've submitted an app that's approved

That app is essentially 'in the store'.

My opinion is that you'll need to stick to the playbook and push an update. Sit on your hands and don't get creative.

Quoting ASC Help

Pre-Order Ready for Sale

Apple has approved the app version and made it available for pre-order on the App Store.

When the app is in this state you can:

Create a new version

When you’re ready to distribute a new version of your app, you create a version using the same app record you created for the original version. The new version will be available free to customers who purchased a previous version. You can only create a new version if the current version status is Ready for Sale or Developer Removed from Sale.


"the Info.plist file must contrain a higher build version than the previously approved version [1.0]

IPA can not upload to server. (it result you can not see this build)

So, you have to increase version code and upload ipa again.

Under the app's 'target', select 'General' and then under 'Identity' enter a new number for 'Build'. Archive that new build and submit it for approval. You may also need to update the 'Version' if that version was approved by the App Store.

I've updated the build number. The problem is that I don't want to update the build version. The app hasn't been released yet and it's currently 1.0.0. I don't want to release to 1.0.1, I want to update the 1.0.0 version. I can't work out a way to do this and keep my app in the pre-order state. There's no 'Developer Reject' button in the UI for pre-orders.

Accepted Answer

>I've submitted an app that's approved

That app is essentially 'in the store'.

My opinion is that you'll need to stick to the playbook and push an update. Sit on your hands and don't get creative.

Quoting ASC Help

Pre-Order Ready for Sale

Apple has approved the app version and made it available for pre-order on the App Store.

When the app is in this state you can:

Create a new version

When you’re ready to distribute a new version of your app, you create a version using the same app record you created for the original version. The new version will be available free to customers who purchased a previous version. You can only create a new version if the current version status is Ready for Sale or Developer Removed from Sale.

Hi can you upload new version please.


How can I update the build for an app that's approved for pre-order?