There's no information available for In-App Purchases issue

Out of several thousand users who have made in app purchases we have one that has a pop up with "There's no information available for In-App Purchases issue. Try again later 21199" showing when they open the app.

Looking at the data codes 21199 is:


Internal data access error.

There is no other information shown though for this message.

Has anyone else come across this? If so, what was the fix?

Also seeing this error, not sure what to do?
I have just started to see this for the first time
One of my TestFlight users just got this message as well, except the error / status code came up 21105 (which apple vaguely describes as an internal data access error). The error: "There's no information available for In-App Purchases. Try again later." 21105 [Environment: Sandbox].
I've repeated his process on my end (register for account, then auto-renewable subscriptions screen pops up) and everything works as expected. No errors and I'm able to complete purchase with TestFlight sandbox account.

Things I've had my tester try:
  • Delete, re-download app from TestFlight and retry. Result: Same error 21105

  • Sign out of their iTunes account, Open app and retry registration. Now app requests Apple ID and password. User enters credentials. Result: Same error

Not sure how to get this fixed as it seems to only be happening to this particular tester for now. I've sent emails to my other testers to check for this error and will keep everyone posted here.

Anyone else coming into this issue and/or have fix suggestions?
Receiving the same error since yesterday w/o having touched the StoreKit / IAP part in my code...
I am also hit by this out of nowhere.

Found this:
The Apple reviewer catched this error, we tested multiple times on our end, but were unable to reproduce. Today we got stable reproduction on one of our test devices, system log states:
Error restoring purchases for tech.escape-team.f2c: Error Domain=AMSErrorDomain Code=305 "Server Error"...AMSServerAllowed=false, AMSServerErrorCode=3539...
And user sees 21105 error.
I think we need someone from Review Team here))
We started experiencing this issue for the first time yesterday on an app where in-app purchases were previously working.
Also getting this issue on production from nowhere...
I just got this error during review too. They want me to fix it somehow..

I tried loading up an old version of my app and the in app purchase are getting errors from those too.
I got this error during calling the restoreCompletedTransactions function, it only appear on some of the sandbox account. Anyone know how to fix it?
Even if it is obvious and just for the record I commented out the restore piece of the code and ofc no message and I could actually purchase in Sandbox environment.
I ve started seeing that error yesterday, and also my app was rejected from update because of this. I ve created stack overflow question for this. There is an info what apple replied to me what to do with this, but I dont get what they mean.

I ran into this issue in sandbox as well. I was able to fix by erasing all content and settings, and NOT restoring from iCloud backup.
I was also seeing "There's no information available for In-App Purchases. Try again later." 21105 [Environment: Sandbox] and deleting then reinstalling through Test Flight didn't seem to make a difference at all.

I'm not sure which part of this finally got things to work, but things seem to not throw an error now. When I went into Setting -> [Apple ID Section] -> iTunes & App Store then at the bottom saw that I had setup a different apple ID as the Sandbox Account than what I was logged into my device with. I went ahead and changed my beta test app to just be open to anyone with a link rather than using a specific account and changed the Sanbox Account in that menu to be the user that the device was logged in with and now things are working.
I am also facing the same issue. Tried everything, device reset, new sandbox account, different os versions.. Nothing helps.
Seems pretty clear its an issue on Apples side with their sandbox - has anyone heard anything else from Apple?

The StackOverflow thread is near being closed - should continue discussions here.
Yup, happening to me too. Apple is rejecting submissions and ignoring comments.
Apple insists I broke it somehow.
Same issue here, no code change from the previous release related to in-app purchase.

There seems to be a bit of disconnect between the apple reviewer and their operation.

If anyone from apple could please prepare a response, it would be appreciated by frustrated devs. The impact of delaying a release is causing damage to the business.
Apple support replying as if I can fix this myself :(
Did you guys fix this somehow?
Also having this issue. My steps of replications are:
  1. Use XCode to create a new Single View App project for iOS app

  2. Change the Bundle Identifier to match the app that was having this issue, and call the initWithReceiptProperties API such as

Code Block
      SKReceiptRefreshRequest *refresh =[[SKReceiptRefreshRequest alloc] initWithReceiptProperties:nil];
      [refresh start];

3. Put a breakpoint at the initWithReceiptProperties call and run the project on an iOS device. Log in to a sandbox test account that has not purchased any IAPs from the app before
4. Observe that once the API is called, it will trigger the error prompt "There is no information available for In-App Purchases. Try again later. 21105"
We are also running into this issue. We've had TestFlight testers report seeing “There is no information available for In-App Purchases. Try again later. 21105” as of August 29th. It seems to be exclusively happening to users that have never purchased a subscription through our app previously. Users that had previously purchased a test subscription over a week ago have not run into any issues.

We've had our submission rejected because of this and have submitted a support ticket that has not yet been productive.
As an update - I am still unable to push out updates. Has anyone been able to contact Devsupport?
"There is no information available for In-App Purchases. Try again later. 21105"

I have exactly the same issue WHAT WE HAVE TO DO?

I didn't changed anything and I have my update rejected !!!!

No way to communicate with reviewer.

There's no information available for In-App Purchases issue