How to use the CarPlay simulator in Xcode 11

Can someone explain how to use the CarPlay simulator in Xcode 11 GM? Maybe I am doing something wrong.

In the simulator I choosed hardware->external displays and then a small rectangle window appears. But the screen stays black. My goal is to start the iOS app in the simulator and see the CarPlay screen in this window side by side.

In the internet I saw a video where this simulator scenario was working. But I get only the black screen and an iPhone simulator with no CarPlay option in the settings.

Some people write you must enter first some commands in the terminal window before you can use the CarPlay simulator. I am not sure if this is still neccessary in Xcode 11 but here is what I used in terminal:

defaults write CarPlay -bool YES

defaults write CarPlayExtraOptions -bool YES

defaults write CarPlayProtocols -array-add com.brand.carplay.feature

Must I request first the MFI profile from apple when you test only in the simulator? Or does CarPlay simulator not work in Xcode 11 because I saw another thread in the developer forum where someone said he gets also the black screen.

I have same problem. We must wait for Apple to fix this.

Same issue here!

CarPlay simulator is broken in Xcode 11 GM. It is kind of fixed in Xcode 11.1 GM. At least no crash and blackscreen any more.

However when I try to run my app in carplay with Xcode 11.1 GM it always says it can not connect to my app on the phone simulator.

Still defaults write CarPlayProtocols -array-add com.brand.carplay.feature does nothing.

CarPlay simulator is running now but my app isn't showing.

I sent a feedback to Apple but I never get any response.

Same here. Unable connect to my app. The Delegates are not called.

Oh crap. its still not working with xcode 11.2 beta

Again - same here on xcode 11.2. I'm begging you Apple

The workaround is to use the iOS 12 Simulator from Xcode 10. Here is a tweet thread that explains how to do it:

I sent a feedback to Apple one month ago and actually got a response. Now It's finally fixed. It's now working on Xcode 11.3 beta.

Thank you Apple

On Xcode 11.3 release the issue is still there. The delegates are never called.

Same issue for me - just updated to Xcode 11.3 and it still doesn't call the delegates.

When selecting different tabs it shortly shows a spinner followed by printing `Unable to connect to "(null)."`

I submitted a Radar to Apple: FB7514196

You can see a copy here: FB7514196

Facing this issue on Xcode 11.2.1, no delegate methods are being called, on tapping Tab it shows a spinner followed by printing `Unable to connect to "(null)."`

I have exactly the same error with the latest release Xcode 11.3.1...

How to use the CarPlay simulator in Xcode 11