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Hey Guys,for my Stream App i would love to add WKInterfaceVolumeControl into the SwiftUI Interface. (watchos)Anyone have get this to work?
by society.
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Hey Guys,in the Release Notes of XCode 11 GM2 i see this Text:Xcode can prefer using Wi-Fi to connect to a Watch when installing or debugging an app. (50313856)How does this work? I cannot see the Watch 4 Standalone. I can only Debug the App over the iPhone.So i see just a Apple Watch via iPhone as Target.
by society.
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4 Replies
Hey Guys,I installed the GM right now.It sees the Symbols cannot get installed. When starting XCode in Terminal with Debug Mode (./Xcode -DVTDownloadableLogLevel 3) see this in the Console: "x-xss-protection" = ( "1; mode=block" );} }, NSUnderlyingError=0x7fc234ac6af0 {Error Domain=DataWritingACSURLSessionDelegate Code=1 "Failed with HTTP status 403: forbidden" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Failed with HTTP status 403: forbidden, NSHTTPURLResponse=<NSHTTPURLResponse: 0x7fc236588e80> { URL: } { Status Code: 403, Headers { Age = ( 1 ); "Cache-Control" = ( "no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate" );I get a 403 forbidden... hmmmpf
by society.
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Hey guys,anyone else see the problem that carplay not working on simulator anymore?I installed XCode 11 GM right now and see like on the beta before that carplar simulator not workIt show just a black screen.Thats really bad because i need a working simulator for my audio,Dennis
by society.
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Hey guys,anyone else see the problem that carplay not working on simulator anymore?I installed XCode 11 GM right now and see like on the beta before that carplar simulator not work 😟It show just a black screen.Thats really bad because i need a working simulator for my audio,Dennis
by society.
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Hey my Friends,i got a bad problem here. I dont know if this is a bug or i am doing something wrong. I hope anyone can help me here.For Explain i have several Views with use the same Core Data managedObjectContext. I use this here on WatchOS Beta 9.My Setup is something like this for Example this:struct ContentView: View { @Environment(\.managedObjectContext) var managedObjectContext ... List { NavigationLink(destination: DetailView() .environment(\.managedObjectContext, managedObjectContext) } ... ... struct DetailView : View { @Environment(\.managedObjectContext) var context: NSManagedObjectContext ... @FetchRequest( entity: Detail.entity(), sortDescriptors: [ NSSortDescriptor(keyPath: \Detail.position, ascending: true), ] ) var details: FetchedResults ... List() { ForEach(self.details, id: \.objectId) { index in ....Now my Problem is. When i show the Detail View the first time. Everything is great. I can use onmove, ondelete etc the Entities.The Cora Data have the correct values.Now when i got out of the view and go back. The Details will show without Problem BUTThe Connection to the Publisher seems to get lost. I can Debug it with.onReceive(self.details.publisher) { (store) in NSLog("[DEBUG] GET CHANGE details \(store)") }On First time i can see the Debugs. But Closing the View and Go Back will not show the Debugs anymore.When using delete onmove etc.So can anyone tell me what i doing wrong? Have anyone here something similar?best,Me
by society.
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Hey,the Beta 8 from Today have a strange bug.My Contacts showing 4 times Birthdays in Calendar.I Cannot get rip off it. Anyone else see this, too?
by society.
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4 Replies
Hey Guys,did anyone get Push Notifications work over CloudKit Subscriptions work?I tried the whole day. Same App on iPhone Device works well on Beta 7 but not when deployed on a Apple Watch Device on Beta 7.Hope anyone have some hints for me?
by society.
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Hey my Friends,currenlty i have a huge problem. I wrote a new app with work perfect in Simulator.I use combine with swiftui on the Standalone Apple Watch APP.As soon as i deploy it on the Device. The App Crash directly with a EXC_BAD_ACCESS.Too Bad i cannot get the problem.Is this a Bug that SwiftUI not Working with Combine on a real device?How i can Debug it on the real device. I add zombie in scheme but it will not help.Anyone else see problems using combine and a watchos app?I use Beta 6 on Device.Crash Says:Thread 1: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=1, address=0x5)Watch WatchKit Extension`protocol witness for View.body.getter in conformance MainMenuView: 0x4671cec <+0>: stp x29, x30, [sp, #-0x10]! 0x4671cf0 <+4>: mov x29, sp 0x4671cf4 <+8>: ldr w9, [x20] 0x4671cf8 <+12>: mov x0, x9 0x4671cfc <+16>: ldr w1, [x20, #0x4] 0x4671d00 <+20>: bl 0x466f6f8 ; Watch_WatchKit_Extension.MainMenuView.body.getter : some at MainMenuView.swift:7 -> 0x4671d04 <+24>: ldp x29, x30, [sp], #0x10 0x4671d08 <+28>: ret SwiftUI`SwiftUI.(DynamicPropertyBody in _9F92ACD17B554E8AB7D29ABB1E796415).update(context: inout AttributeGraph.AttributeContext<SwiftUI.(DynamicPropertyBody in _9F92ACD17B554E8AB7D29ABB1E796415)<A>>) -> (): 0x1dddac44 <+0>: stp d9, d8, [sp, #-0x70]! 0x1dddac48 <+4>: stp x28, x27, [sp, #0x10] 0x1dddac4c <+8>: stp x26, x25, [sp, #0x20] 0x1dddac50 <+12>: stp x24, x23, [sp, #0x30] 0x1dddac54 <+16>: stp x22, x21, [sp, #0x40] 0x1dddac58 <+20>: stp x20, x19, [sp, #0x50] 0x1dddac5c <+24>: stp x29, x30, [sp, #0x60] 0x1dddac60 <+28>: add x29, sp, #0x60 ; =0x60 0x1dddac64 <+32>: sub sp, sp, #0x100 ; =0x100 0x1dddac68 <+36>: mov x25, x1 0x1dddac6c <+40>: mov x24, x0 0x1dddac70 <+44>: mov w0, #0x0 0x1dddac74 <+48>: bl 0x1e2e3c28 ; symbol stub for: storeEnumTagSinglePayload value witness for SwiftUI.(TypedUnaryViewGenerator in _70E71091E926A1B09B75AAEB38F5AA3F) 0x1dddac78 <+52>: stur x0, [x29, #-0xd0] 0x1dddac7c <+56>: ldur w8, [x0, #-0x4] 0x1dddac80 <+60>: sub x9, x29, #0x28 ; =0x28 0x1dddac84 <+64>: stur x8, [x9, #-0x100] 0x1dddac88 <+68>: ldr w8, [x8, #0x20] 0x1dddac8c <+72>: mov x9, sp 0x1dddac90 <+76>: add x8, x8, #0xf ; =0xf 0x1dddac94 <+80>: and x8, x8, #0x1fffffff0 0x1dddac98 <+84>: sub x28, x9, x8 0x1dddac9c <+88>: mov sp, x28 0x1dddaca0 <+92>: mov x9, sp 0x1dddaca4 <+96>: sub x8, x9, x8 0x1dddaca8 <+100>: stur x8, [x29, #-0x100] 0x1dddacac <+104>: mov sp, x8 0x1dddacb0 <+108>: ldp w23, w1, [x25, #0x8] 0x1dddacb4 <+112>: adrp x3, 1393 0x1dddacb8 <+116>: add x3, x3, #0xdb4 ; =0xdb4 0x1dddacbc <+120>: adrp x4, 1393 0x1dddacc0 <+124>: add x4, x4, #0xdc4 ; =0xdc4 0x1dddacc4 <+128>: mov w0, #0x0 0x1dddacc8 <+132>: sub x8, x29, #0x8 ; =0x8 0x1dddaccc <+136>: stur x1, [x8, #-0x100] 0x1dddacd0 <+140>: mov x2, x23 0x1dddacd4 <+144>: bl 0x1e2e5e9c ; symbol stub for: OUTLINED_FUNCTION_251 0x1dddacd8 <+148>: mov x26, x0 0x1dddacdc <+152>: ldur w8, [x0, #-0x4] 0x1dddace0 <+156>: stur x8, [x29, #-0xe8] 0x1dddace4 <+160>: ldr w8, [x8, #0x20] 0x1dddace8 <+164>: add x8, x8, #0xf ; =0xf 0x1dddacec <+168>: and x8, x8, #0x1fffffff0 0x1dddacf0 <+172>: mov x9, sp 0x1dddacf4 <+176>: sub x21, x9, x8 0x1dddacf8 <+180>: mov sp, x21 0x1dddacfc <+184>: adrp x2, 157183 0x1dddad00 <+188>: ldr w2, [x2, #0xc8] 0x1dddad04 <+192>: mov w0, #0x0 0x1dddad08 <+196>: mov x1, x23 0x1dddad0c <+200>: mov x3, #0x0 0x1dddad10 <+204>: mov x4, #0x0 0x1dddad14 <+208>: bl 0x1e2e5fec ; symbol stub for: type metadata completion function for SwiftUI.UIHostingController 0x1dddad18 <+212>: mov x22, x0 0x1dddad1c <+216>: ldur w8, [x0, #-0x4] 0x1dddad20 <+220>: ldr w8, [x8, #0x20] 0x1dddad24 <+224>: add x8, x8, #0xf ; =0xf 0x1dddad28 <+228>: and x8, x8, #0x1fffffff0 0x1dddad2c <+232>: mov x9, sp 0x1dddad30 <+236>: sub x8, x9, x8 0x1dddad34 <+240>: stur x8, [x29, #-0xe0] 0x1dddad38 <+244>: mov sp, x8 0x1dddad3c <+248>: ldp w0, w1, [x24] 0x1dddad40 <+252>: adrp x3, 157212 0x1dddad44 <+256>: add x3, x3, #0x800 ; =0x800 0x1dddad48 <+260>: orr w2, wzr, #0x1 0x1dddad4c <+264>: mov x4, #0x0 0x1dddad50 <+268>: bl 0x1e434be4 ; AGGraphGetInputValue 0x1dddad54 <+272>: ldr w8, [x0] 0x1dddad58 <+276>: lsr w19, w8, #1 0x1dddad5c <+280>: ldr w8, [x20, #0xc] 0x1dddad60 <+284>: cmp w19, w8 0x1dddad64 <+288>: b.eq 0x1dddad70 ; <+300> 0x1dddad68 <+292>: bl 0x1dda0b3c ; SwiftUI._DynamicPropertyBuffer.reset() -> () 0x1dddad6c <+296>: str w19, [x20, #0xc] 0x1dddad70 <+300>: ldrsw x19, [x22, #0x18] 0x1dddad74 <+304>: ldp w0, w1, [x24] 0x1dddad78 <+308>: sturb wzr, [x29, #-0xc8] 0x1dddad7c <+312>: sub x4, x29, #0xc8 ; =0xc8 0x1dddad80 <+316>: mov w2, #0x0 0x1dddad84 <+320>: mov x3, x23 0x1dddad88 <+324>: bl 0x1e434be4 ; AGGraphGetInputValue 0x1dddad8c <+328>: mov x1, x0 0x1dddad90 <+332>: ldur w8, [x23, #-0x4] 0x1dddad94 <+336>: ldr w8, [x8, #0x8] 0x1dddad98 <+340>: ldur x22, [x29, #-0xe0] 0x1dddad9c <+344>: mov x0, x22 0x1dddada0 <+348>: mov x2, x23 0x1dddada4 <+352>: blr x8 0x1dddada8 <+356>: ldurb w8, [x29, #-0xc8] 0x1dddadac <+360>: strb w8, [x22, x19] 0x1dddadb0 <+364>: ldr x8, [x20] 0x1dddadb4 <+368>: ldr w9, [x20, #0x8] 0x1dddadb8 <+372>: stur w9, [x29, #-0xc0] 0x1dddadbc <+376>: stur x8, [x29, #-0xc8] 0x1dddadc0 <+380>: ldp w20, w27, [x24] 0x1dddadc4 <+384>: adrp x0, 1314 0x1dddadc8 <+388>: add x0, x0, #0xe04 ; =0xe04 0x1dddadcc <+392>: mov x1, x25 0x1dddadd0 <+396>: bl 0x1e2e6004 ; symbol stub for: generic specialization <SwiftUI._VariadicView_Children.Element> of SwiftUI.UIHostingController.init(rootView: A) -> SwiftUI.UIHostingController<A> 0x1dddadd4 <+400>: mov x1, x27 0x1dddadd8 <+404>: mov x27, x0 0x1dddaddc <+408>: mov x0, x20 0x1dddade0 <+412>: mov x2, x25 0x1dddade4 <+416>: mov x3, x27 0x1dddade8 <+420>: bl 0x1dfb5048 ; (extension in SwiftUI):AttributeGraph.AttributeContext< where A == SwiftUI.VoidAttribute>.init<A where A1: AttributeGraph.ComputedAttribute>(AttributeGraph.AttributeContext<A1>) -> AttributeGraph.AttributeContext<SwiftUI.VoidAttribute> 0x1dddadec <+424>: mov x3, x0 0x1dddadf0 <+428>: sub x20, x29, #0xc8 ; =0xc8 0x1dddadf4 <+432>: mov x2, x1 0x1dddadf8 <+436>: mov x0, x22 0x1dddadfc <+440>: mov x1, x3 0x1dddae00 <+444>: bl 0x1dda0b94 ; SwiftUI._DynamicPropertyBuffer.update(container: Swift.UnsafeMutableRawPointer, context: AttributeGraph.AttributeContext<SwiftUI.VoidAttribute>) -> Swift.Bool 0x1dddae04 <+448>: mov x20, x0 0x1dddae08 <+452>: sub x0, x29, #0xc8 ; =0xc8 0x1dddae0c <+456>: bl 0x1dde00e8 ; outlined destroy of SwiftUI._GraphValue<SwiftUI.ModifiedContent<SwiftUI.AnyView, SwiftUI.LayoutValueWritingModifier<SwiftUI.SafeAreaInsets>>> 0x1dddae10 <+460>: tbz w20, #0x0, 0x1dddae20 ; <+476> 0x1dddae14 <+464>: orr w8, wzr, #0x1 0x1dddae18 <+468>: strb w8, [x22, w19, sxtw] 0x1dddae1c <+472>: b 0x1dddae34 ; <+496> 0x1dddae20 <+476>: ldrb w8, [x22, w19, sxtw] 0x1dddae24 <+480>: tbnz w8, #0x0, 0x1dddae34 ; <+496> 0x1dddae28 <+484>: ldp w0, w1, [x24] 0x1dddae2c <+488>: bl 0x1e434b1c ; AGGraphValueExists 0x1dddae30 <+492>: tbnz w0, #0x0, 0x1dddb348 ; <+1796> 0x1dddae34 <+496>: stp x26, x25, [x29, #-0xf8] 0x1dddae38 <+500>: sub x8, x29, #0x10 ; =0x10 0x1dddae3c <+504>: stur x21, [x8, #-0x100] 0x1dddae40 <+508>: ldr w8, [x24] 0x1dddae44 <+512>: sub x9, x29, #0x18 ; =0x18 0x1dddae48 <+516>: stur x8, [x9, #-0x100] 0x1dddae4c <+520>: ldr w8, [x24, #0x4] 0x1dddae50 <+524>: sub x9, x29, #0x1c ; =0x1c 0x1dddae54 <+528>: stur w8, [x9, #-0x100] 0x1dddae58 <+532>: adrp x8, 168484 0x1dddae5c <+536>: ldr w8, [x8, #0x8c0] 0x1dddae60 <+540>: cmn w8, #0x1 ; =0x1 0x1dddae64 <+544>: b.eq 0x1dddae7c ; <+568> 0x1dddae68 <+548>: adrp x0, 168484 0x1dddae6c <+552>: add x0, x0, #0x8c0 ; =0x8c0 0x1dddae70 <+556>: adrp x1, -64 0x1dddae74 <+560>: add x1, x1, #0xbf8 ; =0xbf8 0x1dddae78 <+564>: bl 0x1e2e60a0 ; symbol stub for: SwiftUI.UIHostingController._toggleLayoutDirection() -> () 0x1dddae7c <+568>: adrp x8, 168547 0x1dddae80 <+572>: add x8, x8, #0x2c0 ; =0x2c0 0x1dddae84 <+576>: ldp w20, w26, [x8] 0x1dddae88 <+580>: ldrb w25, [x8, #0x8] 0x1dddae8c <+584>: ldrb w19, [x8, #0x9] 0x1dddae90 <+588>: ldrb w21, [x8, #0xa] 0x1dddae94 <+592>: bl 0x1e2e475c ; symbol stub for: assignWithTake value witness for SwiftUI._TrimmedShape 0x1dddae98 <+596>: sub x8, x29, #0x34 ; =0x34 0x1dddae9c <+600>: stur w0, [x8, #-0x100] 0x1dddaea0 <+604>: sturb w19, [x29, #-0xc8] 0x1dddaea4 <+608>: sub x8, x29, #0x3c ; =0x3c 0x1dddaea8 <+612>: stur w25, [x8, #-0x100] 0x1dddaeac <+616>: bfi w25, w21, #16, #8 0x1dddaeb0 <+620>: stur w19, [x29, #-0xd8] 0x1dddaeb4 <+624>: bfi w25, w19, #8, #1 0x1dddaeb8 <+628>: sub x8, x29, #0x30 ; =0x30 0x1dddaebc <+632>: stur w20, [x8, #-0x100] 0x1dddaec0 <+636>: mov x0, x20 0x1dddaec4 <+640>: sub x8, x29, #0x38 ; =0x38 0x1dddaec8 <+644>: stur w26, [x8, #-0x100] 0x1dddaecc <+648>: mov x1, x26 0x1dddaed0 <+652>: mov x2, x25 0x1dddaed4 <+656>: bl 0x1dd9b09c ; SwiftUI.Signpost.isEnabled.getter : Swift.Bool 0x1dddaed8 <+660>: ldp x25, x21, [x29, #-0xf0] 0x1dddaedc <+664>: ldur x26, [x29, #-0xf8] 0x1dddaee0 <+668>: tbz w0, #0x0, 0x1dddb2e4 ; <+1696> 0x1dddaee4 <+672>: sub x8, x29, #0x58 ; =0x58 0x1dddaee8 <+676>: stur x27, [x8, #-0x100] 0x1dddaeec <+680>: sub x8, x29, #0x50 ; =0x50 0x1dddaef0 <+684>: stur x24, [x8, #-0x100] 0x1dddaef4 <+688>: ldur x8, [x29, #-0x100] 0x1dddaef8 <+692>: bl 0x1e2e3c1c ; symbol stub for: getEnumTagSinglePayload value witness for SwiftUI.(TypedUnaryViewGenerator in _70E71091E926A1B09B75AAEB38F5AA3F) 0x1dddaefc <+696>: adrp x1, 168485 0x1dddaf00 <+700>: add x1, x1, #0x374 ; =0x374 0x1dddaf04 <+704>: adrp x2, -265 0x1dddaf08 <+708>: add x2, x2, #0xd50 ; =0xd50 0x1dddaf0c <+712>: adrp x3, 157183 0x1dddaf10 <+716>: ldr w3, [x3, #0x254] 0x1dddaf14 <+720>: mov w0, #0x0 0x1dddaf18 <+724>: bl 0x1dde4a28 ; merged type metadata accessor for Swift._ContiguousArrayStorage<Swift.CVarArg> 0x1dddaf1c <+728>: orr w1, wzr, #0x38 0x1dddaf20 <+732>: orr w2, wzr, #0x3 0x1dddaf24 <+736>: bl 0x1e2e5d04 ; symbol stub for: OUTLINED_FUNCTION_215 0x1dddaf28 <+740>: mov x26, x0 0x1dddaf2c <+744>: adrp x8, 1294 0x1dddaf30 <+748>: ldr d0, [x8, #0xe48] 0x1dddaf34 <+752>: str d0, [x0, #0x8] 0x1dddaf38 <+756>: mov x0, x23 0x1dddaf3c <+760>: bl 0x1e441204 ; (extension in AttributeGraph):__C.AGTypeID.description.getter : Swift.String 0x1dddaf40 <+764>: mov x25, x0 0x1dddaf44 <+768>: mov x22, x1 0x1dddaf48 <+772>: mov x20, x2 0x1dddaf4c <+776>: lsr w21, w2, #8 0x1dddaf50 <+780>: lsr w27, w2, #16 0x1dddaf54 <+784>: adrp x24, 157183 0x1dddaf58 <+788>: ldr w24, [x24, #0x58] 0x1dddaf5c <+792>: str w24, [x26, #0x1c] 0x1dddaf60 <+796>: bl 0x1dcd1da4 ; lazy protocol witness table accessor for type Swift.String and conformance Swift.String : Swift.CVarArg in Foundation 0x1dddaf64 <+800>: mov x8, x23 0x1dddaf68 <+804>: mov x23, x0 0x1dddaf6c <+808>: str w23, [x26, #0x20] 0x1dddaf70 <+812>: stp w25, w22, [x26, #0x10] 0x1dddaf74 <+816>: strb w20, [x26, #0x18] 0x1dddaf78 <+820>: strb w21, [x26, #0x19] 0x1dddaf7c <+824>: strh w27, [x26, #0x1a] 0x1dddaf80 <+828>: sub x9, x29, #0x48 ; =0x48 0x1dddaf84 <+832>: stur x8, [x9, #-0x100] 0x1dddaf88 <+836>: mov x0, x8 0x1dddaf8c <+840>: bl 0x1e095c90 ; static SwiftUI.Tracing.libraryName(defining: Any.Type) -> Swift.String 0x1dddaf90 <+844>: lsr w8, w2, #8 0x1dddaf94 <+848>: lsr w9, w2, #16 0x1dddaf98 <+852>: stp w24, w23, [x26, #0x30] 0x1dddaf9c <+856>: stp w0, w1, [x26, #0x24] 0x1dddafa0 <+860>: strb w2, [x26, #0x2c] 0x1dddafa4 <+864>: strb w8, [x26, #0x2d] 0x1dddafa8 <+868>: strh w9, [x26, #0x2e] 0x1dddafac <+872>: adrp x8, 168484 0x1dddafb0 <+876>: ldr w8, [x8, #0x8e0] 0x1dddafb4 <+880>: cmn w8, #0x1 ; =0x1 0x1dddafb8 <+884>: b.eq 0x1dddafd0 ; <+908> 0x1dddafbc <+888>: adrp x0, 168484 0x1dddafc0 <+892>: add x0, x0, #0x8e0 ; =0x8e0 0x1dddafc4 <+896>: adrp x1, -64 0x1dddafc8 <+900>: add x1, x1, #0xeb8 ; =0xeb8 0x1dddafcc <+904>: bl 0x1e2e60a0 ; symbol stub for: SwiftUI.UIHostingController._toggleLayoutDirection() -> () 0x1dddafd0 <+908>: adrp x8, 168488 0x1dddafd4 <+912>: ldr w25, [x8, #0x900] 0x1dddafd8 <+916>: ldur w8, [x29, #-0xd8] 0x1dddafdc <+920>: tbz w8, #0x0, 0x1dddb070 ; <+1068> 0x1dddafe0 <+924>: mov x0, x25 0x1dddafe4 <+928>: bl 0x1a99d0f0 ; objc_retain 0x1dddafe8 <+932>: mov x20, x0 0x1dddafec <+936>: mov x0, x26 0x1dddaff0 <+940>: bl 0x1e2e60dc ; symbol stub for: protocol witness for SwiftUI._UIHostingViewable.rootView.setter : SwiftUI.AnyView in conformance < where A == SwiftUI.AnyView> SwiftUI.UIHostingController<A> : SwiftUI._UIHostingViewable in SwiftUI 0x1dddaff4 <+944>: sub sp, sp, #0x10 ; =0x10 0x1dddaff8 <+948>: str w26, [sp, #0x8] 0x1dddaffc <+952>: orr w8, wzr, #0x2 0x1dddb000 <+956>: strb w8, [sp, #0x4] 0x1dddb004 <+960>: orr w8, wzr, #0x1f 0x1dddb008 <+964>: str w8, [sp] 0x1dddb00c <+968>: adrp x7, 1407 0x1dddb010 <+972>: add x7, x7, #0x850 ; =0x850 0x1dddb014 <+976>: adrp x1, -290 0x1dddb018 <+980>: add x1, x1, #0x0 ; =0x0 0x1dddb01c <+984>: sub x8, x29, #0x34 ; =0x34 0x1dddb020 <+988>: ldur w0, [x8, #-0x100] 0x1dddb024 <+992>: sub x8, x29, #0x30 ; =0x30 0x1dddb028 <+996>: ldur w3, [x8, #-0x100] 0x1dddb02c <+1000>: sub x8, x29, #0x38 ; =0x38 0x1dddb030 <+1004>: ldur w4, [x8, #-0x100] 0x1dddb034 <+1008>: sub x8, x29, #0x3c ; =0x3c 0x1dddb038 <+1012>: ldur w5, [x8, #-0x100] 0x1dddb03c <+1016>: mov x2, x20 0x1dddb040 <+1020>: ldur x19, [x29, #-0x100] 0x1dddb044 <+1024>: mov x6, x19 0x1dddb048 <+1028>: bl 0x1e2e3bec ; symbol stub for: assignWithTake value witness for SwiftUI.(ModifiedElements in _70E71091E926A1B09B75AAEB38F5AA3F) 0x1dddb04c <+1032>: add sp, sp, #0x10 ; =0x10 0x1dddb050 <+1036>: sub x8, x29, #0x28 ; =0x28 0x1dddb054 <+1040>: ldur x8, [x8, #-0x100] 0x1dddb058 <+1044>: ldr w8, [x8, #0x4] 0x1dddb05c <+1048>: mov x0, x19 0x1dddb060 <+1052>: ldur x1, [x29, #-0xd0] 0x1dddb064 <+1056>: blr x8 0x1dddb068 <+1060>: mov x0, x20 0x1dddb06c <+1064>: b 0x1dddb2ac ; <+1640> 0x1dddb070 <+1068>: adrp x8, 168483 0x1dddb074 <+1072>: ldr w8, [x8, #0x8e8] 0x1dddb078 <+1076>: cmn w8, #0x1 ; =0x1 0x1dddb07c <+1080>: b.eq 0x1dddb094 ; <+1104> 0x1dddb080 <+1084>: adrp x0, 168483 0x1dddb084 <+1088>: add x0, x0, #0x8e8 ; =0x8e8 0x1dddb088 <+1092>: adrp x1, -64 0x1dddb08c <+1096>: add x1, x1, #0xc90 ; =0xc90 0x1dddb090 <+1100>: bl 0x1e2e60a0 ; symbol stub for: SwiftUI.UIHostingController._toggleLayoutDirection() -> () 0x1dddb094 <+1104>: add x8, x26, #0x10 ; =0x10 0x1dddb098 <+1108>: stur x8, [x29, #-0xd8] 0x1dddb09c <+1112>: adrp x1, 168487 0x1dddb0a0 <+1116>: add x1, x1, #0x904 ; =0x904 0x1dddb0a4 <+1120>: ldur x19, [x29, #-0xd0] 0x1dddb0a8 <+1124>: mov x0, x19 0x1dddb0ac <+1128>: bl 0x1dcd1de4 ; __swift_project_value_buffer 0x1dddb0b0 <+1132>: mov x23, x0 0x1dddb0b4 <+1136>: sub x8, x29, #0x30 ; =0x30 0x1dddb0b8 <+1140>: ldur w8, [x8, #-0x100] 0x1dddb0bc <+1144>: ubfiz w8, w8, #2, #8 0x1dddb0c0 <+1148>: sub x9, x29, #0x34 ; =0x34 0x1dddb0c4 <+1152>: ldur w9, [x9, #-0x100] 0x1dddb0c8 <+1156>: and w9, w9, #0xff 0x1dddb0cc <+1160>: orr w8, w8, w9 0x1dddb0d0 <+1164>: mov w9, #0x14110000 0x1dddb0d4 <+1168>: orr w24, w8, w9 0x1dddb0d8 <+1172>: sub x8, x29, #0x28 ; =0x28 0x1dddb0dc <+1176>: ldur x20, [x8, #-0x100] 0x1dddb0e0 <+1180>: ldr w8, [x20, #0x8] 0x1dddb0e4 <+1184>: mov x0, x28 0x1dddb0e8 <+1188>: ldur x1, [x29, #-0x100] 0x1dddb0ec <+1192>: mov x2, x19 0x1dddb0f0 <+1196>: blr x8 0x1dddb0f4 <+1200>: ldr w19, [x26, #0x8] 0x1dddb0f8 <+1204>: adrp x1, 168484 0x1dddb0fc <+1208>: add x1, x1, #0x380 ; =0x380 0x1dddb100 <+1212>: adrp x2, -266 0x1dddb104 <+1216>: add x2, x2, #0xe18 ; =0xe18 0x1dddb108 <+1220>: adrp x3, 157182 0x1dddb10c <+1224>: ldr w3, [x3, #0x254] 0x1dddb110 <+1228>: mov w0, #0x0 0x1dddb114 <+1232>: bl 0x1dde4a28 ; merged type metadata accessor for Swift._ContiguousArrayStorage<Swift.CVarArg> 0x1dddb118 <+1236>: mov x22, x0 0x1dddb11c <+1240>: ldr w21, [x20, #0xc] 0x1dddb120 <+1244>: orr w1, wzr, #0x2 0x1dddb124 <+1248>: mov x0, x26 0x1dddb128 <+1252>: bl 0x1e2e60e8 ; symbol stub for: protocol witness for SwiftUI._UIHostingViewable.rootView.modify : SwiftUI.AnyView in conformance < where A == SwiftUI.AnyView> SwiftUI.UIHostingController<A> : SwiftUI._UIHostingViewable in SwiftUI 0x1dddb12c <+1256>: mov x0, x25 0x1dddb130 <+1260>: bl 0x1a99d0f0 ; objc_retain 0x1dddb134 <+1264>: sub x8, x29, #0x30 ; =0x30 0x1dddb138 <+1268>: stur x0, [x8, #-0x100] 0x1dddb13c <+1272>: mov w27, #0x0 0x1dddb140 <+1276>: adrp x8, 1295 0x1dddb144 <+1280>: ldr d8, [x8, #0xfd0] 0x1dddb148 <+1284>: sub x1, x29, #0xb4 ; =0xb4 0x1dddb14c <+1288>: mov x0, x22 0x1dddb150 <+1292>: bl 0x1e2e6034 ; symbol stub for: merged generic specialization <SwiftUI.AnyView> of SwiftUI.UIHostingController.(_commonInit in _F8706B6BEAB877F1BBC35ED41680BC5E)() -> () 0x1dddb154 <+1296>: mov x20, x0 0x1dddb158 <+1300>: str d8, [x0, #0x8] 0x1dddb15c <+1304>: add x1, x0, #0x10 ; =0x10 0x1dddb160 <+1308>: cmp w27, w19 0x1dddb164 <+1312>: 0x1dddb174 ; <+1328> 0x1dddb168 <+1316>: stp xzr, xzr, [x1] 0x1dddb16c <+1320>: str wzr, [x1, #0x10] 0x1dddb170 <+1324>: b 0x1dddb19c ; <+1368> 0x1dddb174 <+1328>: ldr w8, [x26, #0x8] 0x1dddb178 <+1332>: cmp w27, w8 0x1dddb17c <+1336>: b.hs 0x1dddb3a0 ; <+1884> 0x1dddb180 <+1340>: ldur x8, [x29, #-0xd8] 0x1dddb184 <+1344>: mov w9, #0x14 0x1dddb188 <+1348>: smaddl x0, w27, w9, x8 0x1dddb18c <+1352>: bl 0x1dcd1e34 ; outlined init with copy of Swift.CVarArg 0x1dddb190 <+1356>: add w8, w27, #0x1 ; =0x1 0x1dddb194 <+1360>: cmp w8, w19 0x1dddb198 <+1364>: 0x1dddb210 ; <+1484> 0x1dddb19c <+1368>: str wzr, [x20, #0x24] 0x1dddb1a0 <+1372>: add x25, x20, #0x38 ; =0x38 0x1dddb1a4 <+1376>: stp xzr, xzr, [x20, #0x28] 0x1dddb1a8 <+1380>: stp xzr, xzr, [x25] 0x1dddb1ac <+1384>: mov x27, x19 0x1dddb1b0 <+1388>: str wzr, [x25, #0x10] 0x1dddb1b4 <+1392>: mov x0, x24 0x1dddb1b8 <+1396>: mov x2, x24 0x1dddb1bc <+1400>: mov x1, x20 0x1dddb1c0 <+1404>: mov x3, x28 0x1dddb1c4 <+1408>: bl 0x1dd9b294 ; function signature specialization <Arg[2] = [Closure Propagated : closure #1 (Swift.Array<Swift.UInt64>) -> () in SwiftUI.Signpost.(_primitive in _34756F646CF7AC3DBE2A8E0B344C962F)(_: __C.os_signpost_type_t, log: __C.OS_os_log, signpostID: os.OSSignpostID, _: Swift.Optional<Swift.StaticString>, _: Swift.Optional<Swift.Array<Swift.CVarArg>>) -> (), Argument Types : [Swift.UInt32os.OSSignpostID]> of SwiftUI.(withKDebugValues in _34756F646CF7AC3DBE2A8E0B344C962F)(_: Swift.UInt32, _: Swift.Array<Swift.Optional<Swift.CVarArg>>, closure: (Swift.Array<Swift.UInt64>) -> ()) -> () 0x1dddb1c8 <+1412>: ldr w8, [x20, #0x8] 0x1dddb1cc <+1416>: cmp w8, #0x3 ; =0x3 0x1dddb1d0 <+1420>: b.lo 0x1dddb39c ; <+1880> 0x1dddb1d4 <+1424>: sub x1, x29, #0xc8 ; =0xc8 0x1dddb1d8 <+1428>: mov x0, x25 0x1dddb1dc <+1432>: bl 0x1dcd1e74 ; outlined init with copy of Swift.Optional<Swift.CVarArg> 0x1dddb1e0 <+1436>: ldur w8, [x29, #-0xbc] 0x1dddb1e4 <+1440>: cbz w8, 0x1dddb268 ; <+1572> 0x1dddb1e8 <+1444>: sub x0, x29, #0xc8 ; =0xc8 0x1dddb1ec <+1448>: bl 0x1dd41964 ; __swift_destroy_boxed_opaque_existential_0 0x1dddb1f0 <+1452>: mov x0, x28 0x1dddb1f4 <+1456>: mov x1, x23 0x1dddb1f8 <+1460>: ldur x2, [x29, #-0xd0] 0x1dddb1fc <+1464>: blr x21 0x1dddb200 <+1468>: mov x0, x20 0x1dddb204 <+1472>: bl 0x1e2e610c ; symbol stub for: protocol witness for SwiftUI._UIHostingViewable._forEachIdentifiedView(body: (SwiftUI._IdentifiedViewProxy) -> ()) -> () in conformance < where A == SwiftUI.AnyView> SwiftUI.UIHostingController<A> : SwiftUI._UIHostingViewable in SwiftUI 0x1dddb208 <+1476>: bl 0x1dda1ee4 ; generic specialization <Swift.Optional<Swift.CVarArg>> of Swift._ContiguousArrayStorage.__deallocating_deinit 0x1dddb20c <+1480>: b 0x1dddb148 ; <+1284> 0x1dddb210 <+1484>: ldr w9, [x26, #0x8] 0x1dddb214 <+1488>: cmp w8, w9 0x1dddb218 <+1492>: b.hs 0x1dddb3a4 ; <+1888> 0x1dddb21c <+1496>: add x1, x20, #0x24 ; =0x24 0x1dddb220 <+1500>: ldur x9, [x29, #-0xd8] 0x1dddb224 <+1504>: mov w10, #0x14 0x1dddb228 <+1508>: smaddl x0, w8, w10, x9 0x1dddb22c <+1512>: bl 0x1dcd1e34 ; outlined init with copy of Swift.CVarArg 0x1dddb230 <+1516>: add w8, w27, #0x2 ; =0x2 0x1dddb234 <+1520>: add x25, x20, #0x38 ; =0x38 0x1dddb238 <+1524>: cmp w8, w19 0x1dddb23c <+1528>: b.eq 0x1dddb1a8 ; <+1380> 0x1dddb240 <+1532>: ldr w9, [x26, #0x8] 0x1dddb244 <+1536>: cmp w8, w9 0x1dddb248 <+1540>: b.hs 0x1dddb3a8 ; <+1892> 0x1dddb24c <+1544>: ldur x9, [x29, #-0xd8] 0x1dddb250 <+1548>: mov w10, #0x14 0x1dddb254 <+1552>: smaddl x0, w8, w10, x9 0x1dddb258 <+1556>: mov x1, x25 0x1dddb25c <+1560>: bl 0x1dcd1e34 ; outlined init with copy of Swift.CVarArg 0x1dddb260 <+1564>: add w27, w27, #0x3 ; =0x3 0x1dddb264 <+1568>: b 0x1dddb1b4 ; <+1392> 0x1dddb268 <+1572>: sub x8, x29, #0x28 ; =0x28 0x1dddb26c <+1576>: ldur x8, [x8, #-0x100] 0x1dddb270 <+1580>: ldr w19, [x8, #0x4] 0x1dddb274 <+1584>: ldur x0, [x29, #-0x100] 0x1dddb278 <+1588>: ldur x21, [x29, #-0xd0] 0x1dddb27c <+1592>: mov x1, x21 0x1dddb280 <+1596>: blr x19 0x1dddb284 <+1600>: mov x0, x20 0x1dddb288 <+1604>: bl 0x1e2e610c ; symbol stub for: protocol witness for SwiftUI._UIHostingViewable._forEachIdentifiedView(body: (SwiftUI._IdentifiedViewProxy) -> ()) -> () in conformance < where A == SwiftUI.AnyView> SwiftUI.UIHostingController<A> : SwiftUI._UIHostingViewable in SwiftUI 0x1dddb28c <+1608>: bl 0x1dda1ee4 ; generic specialization <Swift.Optional<Swift.CVarArg>> of Swift._ContiguousArrayStorage.__deallocating_deinit 0x1dddb290 <+1612>: mov x0, x26 0x1dddb294 <+1616>: bl 0x1e2e60c4 ; symbol stub for: SwiftUI.UIHostingController.actionItems.getter : Swift.Array<__C.PUICActionItem> 0x1dddb298 <+1620>: mov x0, x28 0x1dddb29c <+1624>: mov x1, x21 0x1dddb2a0 <+1628>: blr x19 0x1dddb2a4 <+1632>: sub x8, x29, #0x30 ; =0x30 0x1dddb2a8 <+1636>: ldur x0, [x8, #-0x100] 0x1dddb2ac <+1640>: bl 0x1a99d260 ; objc_release 0x1dddb2b0 <+1644>: mov x0, x26 0x1dddb2b4 <+1648>: bl 0x1e2e60c4 ; symbol stub for: SwiftUI.UIHostingController.actionItems.getter : Swift.Array<__C.PUICActionItem> 0x1dddb2b8 <+1652>: sub x8, x29, #0x48 ; =0x48 0x1dddb2bc <+1656>: ldur x23, [x8, #-0x100] 0x1dddb2c0 <+1660>: sub x8, x29, #0x50 ; =0x50 0x1dddb2c4 <+1664>: ldur x24, [x8, #-0x100] 0x1dddb2c8 <+1668>: ldp x25, x21, [x29, #-0xf0] 0x1dddb2cc <+1672>: ldur x22, [x29, #-0xe0] 0x1dddb2d0 <+1676>: sub x8, x29, #0x58 ; =0x58 0x1dddb2d4 <+1680>: ldur x27, [x8, #-0x100] 0x1dddb2d8 <+1684>: mov x0, x26 0x1dddb2dc <+1688>: bl 0x1e2e60c4 ; symbol stub for: SwiftUI.UIHostingController.actionItems.getter : Swift.Array<__C.PUICActionItem> 0x1dddb2e0 <+1692>: ldur x26, [x29, #-0xf8] 0x1dddb2e4 <+1696>: sub x8, x29, #0x8 ; =0x8 0x1dddb2e8 <+1700>: ldur x1, [x8, #-0x100] 0x1dddb2ec <+1704>: ldr w9, [x1, #0x14] 0x1dddb2f0 <+1708>: mov x0, x23 0x1dddb2f4 <+1712>: sub x8, x29, #0x10 ; =0x10 0x1dddb2f8 <+1716>: ldur x19, [x8, #-0x100] 0x1dddb2fc <+1720>: mov x8, x19 0x1dddb300 <+1724>: mov x20, x22 0x1dddb304 <+1728>: blr x9 -> 0x1dddb308 <+1732>: sub x8, x29, #0x1c ; =0x1c 0x1dddb30c <+1736>: ldur w1, [x8, #-0x100] 0x1dddb310 <+1740>: sub x8, x29, #0x18 ; =0x18 0x1dddb314 <+1744>: ldur x0, [x8, #-0x100] 0x1dddb318 <+1748>: mov x2, x25 0x1dddb31c <+1752>: mov x3, x26 0x1dddb320 <+1756>: mov x4, x27 0x1dddb324 <+1760>: bl 0x1e096234 ; $defer #1 <A, B where A: AttributeGraph.ComputedAttribute>() -> () in SwiftUI.traceBody<A, B where A: AttributeGraph.ComputedAttribute>(_: Any.Type, _: AttributeGraph.AttributeContext<A>, body: () -> B) -> B 0x1dddb328 <+1764>: ldp w0, w3, [x24] 0x1dddb32c <+1768>: mov x2, x26 0x1dddb330 <+1772>: mov x1, x19 0x1dddb334 <+1776>: bl 0x1e434c4c ; AGGraphSetOutputValue 0x1dddb338 <+1780>: ldr w8, [x21, #0x4] 0x1dddb33c <+1784>: mov x0, x19 0x1dddb340 <+1788>: mov x1, x26 0x1dddb344 <+1792>: blr x8 0x1dddb348 <+1796>: adrp x2, 157182 0x1dddb34c <+1800>: ldr w2, [x2, #0xc8] 0x1dddb350 <+1804>: adrp x3, 1407 0x1dddb354 <+1808>: add x3, x3, #0x870 ; =0x870 0x1dddb358 <+1812>: mov w0, #0x0 0x1dddb35c <+1816>: mov x1, x23 0x1dddb360 <+1820>: mov x4, #0x0 0x1dddb364 <+1824>: bl 0x1e2e5fec ; symbol stub for: type metadata completion function for SwiftUI.UIHostingController 0x1dddb368 <+1828>: mov x2, x0 0x1dddb36c <+1832>: mov x0, x22 0x1dddb370 <+1836>: mov x1, x23 0x1dddb374 <+1840>: bl 0x1dde0130 ; outlined destroy of (value: A, changed: Swift.Bool) 0x1dddb378 <+1844>: sub sp, x29, #0x60 ; =0x60 0x1dddb37c <+1848>: ldp x29, x30, [sp, #0x60] 0x1dddb380 <+1852>: ldp x20, x19, [sp, #0x50] 0x1dddb384 <+1856>: ldp x22, x21, [sp, #0x40] 0x1dddb388 <+1860>: ldp x24, x23, [sp, #0x30] 0x1dddb38c <+1864>: ldp x26, x25, [sp, #0x20] 0x1dddb390 <+1868>: ldp x28, x27, [sp, #0x10] 0x1dddb394 <+1872>: ldp d9, d8, [sp], #0x70 0x1dddb398 <+1876>: ret 0x1dddb39c <+1880>: brk #0x1 0x1dddb3a0 <+1884>: brk #0x1 0x1dddb3a4 <+1888>: brk #0x1 0x1dddb3a8 <+1892>: brk #0x1
by society.
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I try to get Streaming Audio to work in WatchKIT. I just simple use the AVPlayer with a remote URL.The Code working on iOS but WatchOS give me error.I Added Background Audio to{ try AVAudioSession.sharedInstance().setCategory(.playback) try AVAudioSession.sharedInstance().setActive(true, options: .notifyOthersOnDeactivation) } catch { NSLog(error.localizedDescription) }let playBackURL = URL(string: "https://facyremoturl/stream.mp3")PlayerItem = AVPlayerItem(url: playBackURL!)PlayerItem.addObserver(self, forKeyPath: "timedMetadata", options: NSKeyValueObservingOptions(), context: nil)Player = AVPlayer(playerItem: PlayerItem) Logs now show this error:2019-06-05 14:31:09.149728+0200 watchtest WatchKit Extension[92922:10939355] [] [14:31:09.148] <<< CFByteFlume >>> FigByteFlumeCreateWithHTTP: [0x786984c0] Created CFHTTP byte flume 0x786984b0. 2019-06-05 14:31:09.210511+0200 watchtest WatchKit Extension[92922:10938788] Task <C4B1C312-11B6-4547-8072-EC1CCBD7FCF2>.<1> finished with error [-997] Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-997 "Lost connection to background transfer service" UserInfo={_NSURLErrorRelatedURLSessionTaskErrorKey=( "LocalDataTask <C4B1C312-11B6-4547-8072-EC1CCBD7FCF2>.<1>"), _NSURLErrorFailingURLSessionTaskErrorKey=LocalDataTask <C4B1C312-11B6-4547-8072-EC1CCBD7FCF2>.<1>, NSLocalizedDescription=Lost connection to background transfer service}2019-06-05 14:31:09.221282+0200Anything i can do?
by society.
Last updated