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I get this error each time when I try to upload my iOS 11 only App to iTunes Connect:ERROR ITMS-90502: "Invalid Bundle. Apps that only contain the arm64 slice must also have 'arm64' in the list of UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities in Info.plist."I have added<key>UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities</key> <array> <string>arm64</string> </array>to every Info.plist of my targets already!I also have set valid architectures in my build configuration to arm64 only.I am using Xcode 9 beta 5.Any idea how to fix that? Why does it not work even though I added UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities?
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There is LazyVStack to work with a large amount of content inside a ScrollView and ensure good scrolling performance. I like to work with List in my apps as it provides some more functionality than just a ScrollView with a stack of content inside. Does List in SwiftUI now also use lazy loading of content elements in iOS 14? If it does not support this by default is there any way to make it work with lazy loaded content? I tried this code but it caused rendering issues: List { LazyVStack { Text("1") // [...] hundreds of Text views for testing } }
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I use a very basic WKInterfaceTable in my WatchKit based app. It displays multiple rows which contain two labels. The labels can have varying length content therefore the rows have to scale accordingly with the content. This works perfectly in the simulator. On device it works correctly most of the time, but somtimes the rows do not scale correctly with the content like demonstrated in these screenshots: leads to clipping content of the labels. I see this happening in watchOS 4 and watchOS 5 on different Apple Watch models. I see this issue only in this special WKInterfaceTable, never seen it in any other views of my app.I configure the WKInterfaceTable like this:import WatchKit import Foundation import PollenflugShared_watchOS class DayDetailInterfaceController: WKInterfaceController { @IBOutlet var table: WKInterfaceTable! override func awake(withContext context: Any?) { super.awake(withContext: context) guard let day = context as? ForecastDay else { return } guard let data = PollenKit.shared.loadDataFromCache() else { return } guard let region = PollenKit.shared.userRegionFrom(pollenflug: data) else { return } setTitle(day.localizedString) // sort user allergenes by name let allergenes = User.allergenes.sorted() table.setRowTypes(["allergeneRow"]) table.setNumberOfRows(allergenes.count, withRowType: "allergeneRow") for index in 0.. if let rowController = table.rowController(at: index) as? PollenflugDetailRowController { let allergene = allergenes[index] var score = PollenKit.shared.scoreFor(region: region, allergene: allergene, day: day) if score == nil { score = Score.init(score: -1) } rowController.allergeneLabel.setText(allergene.localizedString) rowController.warningLevelLabel.setText(score?.localizedDescription) rowController.warningLevelLabel.setTextColor(score?.color) } } } }Has anyone ever seen this issue? I am really out of ideas what I am doing wrong.
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