beta 8 Catalina update will not install

Today when updating from beta 7 to 8 the installer stops after churning away with install progress bar (the one on black screen with logo only) for many minutes


macOS could not be installed on your computer

The opertion couldn't be completed. Too many levels of remote in path

Quit the installer to restart your computer and try again.

(Restart button)


I have had no problems updating Catalina up to this point. After reading some of the other issues with files going missing I'm very leary of this upgrade! Thankfully I'm booting it on external SSD so so far, no problems with internal drive. :-)

I'm having the same issue.

I rebooted my computer after about 20-30 minutes of no progress, currently stuck at the same screen again.

Tried to verbose boot it to see if I could see the error, but, no luck.

Not sure where this is hanging....

It happened the same with me. It stucked on the intallation process. I had to restore the macbook to use it again. I tried the update 4 times and the same error happens.

When it happened I just turned my Mac's power off and then back on. That helped.

I have exactly the same issue. Nothing works. I treid it several times including cycling the power. So back to beta 7 now.

I started the update this morning and went about my business. I came back after what I guess is 10 hours and the install progress bar was stuck about 75% through the install. Tried rebooting and all the usual stuff with no luck. I had to restore from a Time Machine backup. ( don't laugh) Anyway everthing is back to pre-beta 8 state but I don't want the silly machine to try to auto install so I'm shutting it down now. I just now while typing this received a pop-up telling something to the effect of my machine has detected a possible problem and would I like to send a report to Apple. I accepted the offer. Waiting for beta 9.

Same here. Update stucks at 80% for hours...

Well just for laughs I once again tried to install beta 8 and wonder of wonders it installed flawlessly with zero issues, at least as far as installation issues go. Computers are still diabolical in operation and function after all these years.

Same as with Rhass, overnight in the automatic update mode it apperently worked for me as well. Despite another manual attempt last night which failed again.

So fixed for me....

I got the same issue when installing Beta9 from Beta8, tried several times, stucked at the same place, then I quit the installer, restarted the system, checked the About this Mac, it shows Beta 19A573a (Beta 9), weird!! 👿

Going from beta 7, the install of 8 seemed to work, but it kept showing an available update (beta 8). I was the same with beta 9 and 10 (still trying from beta 7), so I resorted to reinstall everything and upgrade before restoring from a TimeMachine backup.
Now, the same has happened again trying to upgrade from beta 10 to beta 11... *Sigh*. Unsure of the culprit when trying to read through the install.log file.

beta 8 Catalina update will not install