"None of your developer accounts are authorized to access crash information"


I can't get access to crashlogs from organizer with following error:

Unable to download crash information.

None of your developer accounts are authorized to access crash information for ***. Verify that your developer accounts are correctly configured in Xcode, then try again.

Xcode 6.4 and Xcode 7.0b4 are showing exactly the same error.

Seems like this issue related to the fact, that our app is uploaded from CI server, using "pilot" automation gem. Is there any way to manualy give permission to access logs? Can't find anything nor in Connect, nor in DevPortal, nor in Xcode.




Hey Yopp,

Did you solve your problem? I'm getting the same error, despite having uploaded the test build myself. Any workarounds?



Happening to me to. This is driving me crazy. Nothing found on the web, this is the only page with anything related to that error. Apple is a billion dollar company... Why can't they do any reasonable QA on their dev products!!!!! Sorry, frustation's taking over me. I'll better stop writing now.

Thanks, and if I get to a solution I'll post it in here. BTW I also pushed my build using an Archive script, using xcodebuild and xcrun.

This appears to be related altough everyone seems to be as frustated as me. Apple even got back to an user, but of course they didn't solve anything: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/31150862/ios-internal-testing-unable-to-download-crash-information

I have had the same problem. I am member of more than one developer teams and using multiple Apple IDs. After I have started using new computer, I have added only one Apple ID to Xcode. So for one app, I have been getting this error, other apps were fine and I have been able to download crash logs.

Me too.

Has anyone had a resolution to this issue? I am having it today for ALL my apps.

Just started seeing this. Xcode 11.3.1 and 11.4 beta 2.