Cannot get email & name while scopes requested on real device

So I'm implementing sign in with Apple, requesting `email` and `fullName` scopes

It works on simulator, when authenticating, the name and email UI shows as expected, as this image shows:

this is testing on the simulator, but when I move to real device (iPadOS 13), the UI does not shows, as this image shows:

and also the result only returns the user identifier:

and I can confirm that the `authorizedScopes` from `ASAuthorizationAppleIDCredential` is also empty.

I believe this is a bug, if it's not, can somebody tell me how to fix this?


Answered by Frameworks Engineer in 379297022

Hi aslkdjalksdjasdasd,

This behaves correctly, user info is only sent in the ASAuthorizationAppleIDCredential upon initial user sign up. Subsequent logins to your app using Sign In with Apple with the same account do not share any user info and will only return a user identifier in the ASAuthorizationAppleIDCredential. It is recommened that you securely cache the initial ASAuthorizationAppleIDCredential containing the user info until you can validate that an account has succesfully been created on your server.

- Patrick

I'm having the same issue. The first time I used an Apple ID for sign in, the name and mail fields were filled correctly. On every sign in afterwards, the fields are nil.


The different view is ok because you have to accept sharing those details only the first time, but afterwards you just login.

I ran into the same and found this about the name and email:
I think it's intended in the ObjC/Swift framework too. The linked issue also has a reply about how to fake a first login by removing the app from iTunes account managing.
It drived me crazy for about two days as well so hope this helps.



Accepted Answer

Hi aslkdjalksdjasdasd,

This behaves correctly, user info is only sent in the ASAuthorizationAppleIDCredential upon initial user sign up. Subsequent logins to your app using Sign In with Apple with the same account do not share any user info and will only return a user identifier in the ASAuthorizationAppleIDCredential. It is recommened that you securely cache the initial ASAuthorizationAppleIDCredential containing the user info until you can validate that an account has succesfully been created on your server.

- Patrick


Thanks Patrictk, finally solved my problem

Btw, @Patrict, I'd like to suggest to add this behavior to the document, otherwise this behaivor is quite confusing (comparing to other third party login SDK)

Thank you!

So wait... If for some reason the first redirect from Apple gets lost for one of many VERY common reasons then we've permanently lost that user since there's no other way to get their information. There is NO other way to get this info?

Yeah, I'm having this specific problem. Our app is being used on locations with bad internet connection, and I'm already expecting people stating that they cannot signin right the very first time, and then we won't have their email, which is mandatory to create an account on our system.

weirdly enough even if I logout of iCloud, or remove the app, it doesn't matter. since the very next time they try to signin with Apple, if on the first attempt was unsuccessful, and we havent got their email, we won't be able to register again.

Question to Apple: what is more secure, sending the email / name (depending on the scopes) everytime we request it , or asking the users to "securely cache the credentials" which will leave breadcrumbs of the users identity somehow/somewhere (DB, keychain, some other store...) which probably could be accessable by other applications ?

Another relaeted quick question, if the user used signed in properly with their actual email, but then decide they want to revoke that and use one of the private emails Apple provides, is it possible ? Or after you allow it once , that's it ? It's possible on

what is more secure, sending the email / name (depending on the scopes) everytime we request it , or asking the users to "securely cache the credentials" which will leave breadcrumbs of the users identity somehow/somewhere (DB, keychain, some other store...) which probably could be accessable by other applications ?

Or if something goes wrong downstream, we would have the customers complaining and support will tell them to go into AppleId website to revoke the permission, so they can properly register again. I believe this will be a poor experience and will make people not using this login mechanism if they start having this sort of problems.

Probably on places with good internet this wont be much of a problem, but our app is used on places with low coverage (3G even) and network calls do fail quite often, so the register flow could fail once or twice, and it could lead to problems

I'm having a problem with scopes.

When I request individuals scopes works normaly.

For example: "scope" => "email" or "scope" => "name".

But I need both. Email and name.

I already tried everything... "scope" => "email name" or "scope" => "name email" or "scope" => "email fullName".

No user data was received. No email neither name.

How can I get both?

It seems we just got this working after submitting a technical issue.

When you put the scope in the URL it must be percent encoded:[CLIENT_ID]&redirect_uri=[REDIRECT_URI]&response_type=[RESPONSE_TYPE]&scope=name%20email&response_mode=[RESPONSE_MODE]&state=[STATE]

Ours was sending scope=name+email, which while in spec, was not working for some users.

I think it 's not a bug. If you want to test first login apple i think you have to change Bundle Identifier.

Actually you can get email from the identity token (it can be decoded - it's basically a JWT)

While I understand the use case where a user is signing in for the first time and we request the user's information the scopes, it's returned fine. However, like others who have run into the issue of losing the user's information, what is the practice for retrieving it again? There doesn't seem to be a way to recover user's information after their first authentication, other than provisioning a new device or some other hack. Please advise.

not always, if the user choose to hide for the first time, that jwt token does not include email

I had exactly the same problem while using both name email scopes, but no issues using only one email or name scope.

Suggestion above to send request with &scope=name%20email instead of &scope=name+email solved my issue. Thanks a lot!

Worth noting is that I noticed this problem only on Safari, on Chrome it worked just fine with the + sign.
Cannot get email & name while scopes requested on real device