error generating redeem codes for custom app

I have a custom app that is already ready to sale on the app store connect. I configured as Available privately as a custom app for business and i set my DEP ID

In on the custom app content i select the app and choose redeem codes. Set the quantity and when i try to redeem i get "unkown error ocurred"

Is that anything that is missing?

Can anyone help me please?

See prud's 7 points in this thread for any factors that may jump out at you and contribute to issues:

Otherwise, treat that 'unknown error' as yet another backend hiccup, leaving you to keep trying and if still no joy, ping support and ask them to take a look.

Good luck.

I'm facing exact same problem. Contacted support, but no luck - no clear solution for this. Feeling helpless.

Im talking with the support for 7 days, they say its a known issue and they are working to resolve it.

As soon as i have news i will post

Same problem here, still waiting them to solve this! Feeling helpless too. Shame!

Same problem here, the Business Manager has been broken for Custom Apps for at over a week now! I've been in contact with the support as well, and they got back to me saying the same thing as to others (support could not help out, escalated to engineering, engineering has no timeframe on solution).

There's a post on the community forums with multiple people having the same issue as well.

I randomly gave it shot after lunch today and code generation seemed to be working again! Give it a shot before it breaks again! :-P

Yes CAI its working now! 🙂



error generating redeem codes for custom app