Appstore connect keeps rejecting App Preview Video!

I make the videos out of Adobe Premiere before (a year ago) and it worked fine but now nothing works.

I've used these parameters listed here

After looking around people have problems with iMovie as well it's not an app thing. I'm stumpped.

I got them all.. 'File can not be loaded'... 'Wrong format'.... and even the video disappear after saving.

I might have stumbled onto something that might work. I open the file in Quicktime and resave them, not 'Export'.


I compared the video meta data and it looks like the Quicktime resave added a 'Source duration' & 'Source_Duration_LastFrame' that Premiere didn't add. This metadata might be important to the appstore. **** appstore is too picky.

The format given here seems to be wrong too

Video characteristics

Progressive, up to High Profile Level 4.0

Also I set to Main @ level 4.2 seems to be accepted but reject High @level 4.0

I've tried making the App Preview in iMovie and still getting errors.

The video did not save and I get the message

'Your app preview is in the wrong format. For more information, see the Developer Help.'

I've had it and filing a bug report.

Did you get it working? I am facing the same exact issue! Seems like I have no choice to submit the app without app video previews though 😟

Glad I'm not the only one. I filed a feedback bug report. Hopefully I get an answer soon.

I would hold off publishing your app until the video thing is worked out. It helps in getting downloads.

Something is off. I have the same issue. This worked only about a week ago. I have tried both final cut and imovie in too many different ways.

Also, loading app previews from other apps seems to fail way more often than usual and i have to attempt dragging into the upload window multiple times.

The last part of the error "For more information, see the Developer Help" seems new - yields only this result on google...

I'm also stuck on this issue 😕

1. save --> no error but not visible

2. cannot upload

3. upload ok but wrong format

4. Upload and save ok but later I don't see it

Oh my god .......... !@#$ 👿

Welcome to my world 👿

This issue is affecting me too.

A few days ago, I had the same problems saving the video. But, after waiting awhile, I switched to something else, and it popped up a dialog to Save, Don't Save, etc. I picked Save and it took my video.

Unfortunately, that isn't working anymore. It must be a problem with Apple.

BTW, I also cannot view the Sales section of iTunesConnect.



Thank god I am not alone - I was going absolutely insane trying to fix this. Converting/resizing my app preview made in Imovie.
I will give it a go - tomorrow and see if it works.
Good night.
Update: Still no luck!

Ran ***** into this just now trying to release an update. Good to know its not my workflow (iMovie -> straight to AppStore). I tried updating iMovie to the latest version but no dice. Sounds like the best we can all do is file tons of bug reports til Apple deals.

Wow, I wish I had found this thread before banging my head aginst the wall repeatedly trying to upload my new iPhone XR previews for 6 hours... I just ended up submitting my binaries without them. iTunes/app store connect has always been notoriously picky about format, so I kept assuming I was missing some normally inconsequential detail when rendering my file. Hopefully it gets fixed asap. On the potentially bright side, it is my experience that even if there is no device specific app preview video targeted for the resolution of a given user viewing your app's store listing, a lower res preview will be displayed as a substitute; at least I think that is the behavior :)

Same here... trying to upload since hours without any success. I've used iMovie to create the final app preview.

I've also now filed a bug report - I hope this gets fixed soon... I've invested days into creating all the app previews!

Still not working. Please file a bug report if you're having trouble with this.

I'll file one now. I'm having the same problem and tried all weekend different things...

Did any of the suggested workarounds work for you? I really need to release a version soon!
Edited to add: How do we even report a bug? Sheesh. When I go to Report a Bug, it takes me to overview information on their new bug reporting system, with no clear way to actually report it. I did message them about it in their Contact form.

For debugging issues.

I've tried most video settings and nothing 100% works. I got one video to upload but it was a fluke.

How did you make the video that did upload? Was it through iMovie or some other app? I'm fairly sure this isn't really a format issue, but if we're going to keep uploading over and over in the hope it finally works we should make sure we used the exact same format as you did!

Have the same problem and sent a bug report to apple - hopefully this get fixed soon!

Did anybody manage to upload previews since this thread started?

My new submission inherited two previews from my last successful release. When I try to upload one of the exact same files once more, it complains that the "app preview is in the wrong format" and does not let me submit. When I remove this newly uploaded file again, it lets me submit, but then complains that I don't have iPad Pro 3rd generation files. I can add images, but cannot save previews.

Did Apple change anything in the preview format requirements?

it was a fluke, one time when I got it to upload. I delete it, reupload, and it doesn't work. Ithink something is wrong with the server.

The problem is still there. The dev team has been quiet on this, not responding. Not sure what's going on.

Same here... still not working. Did you get any answer from Apple?
There must be a lot of people affected by this?!

The same problem here, I contacted Apple about the issue but no answer yet. I'm shure that my video has exactly the same requirements they request !

Yes, specially because this website should be develop for DEVELOPERS by people that know what they are doing... the website is vary laggy, full of bugs, not fitted for portable devices and now this... again..... What a shame apple...

I think the 'wrong format' error is a generic error to deny any uploads. It does sound like a server issue.

Appstore connect keeps rejecting App Preview Video!