iPhone XR screen shots from Simulator?

I’m preparing an update and can’t post it until I have 6.5 inch (iPhone XR) screen shots. I don’t own a device, so I am trying to take them from Simulator with File > New Screen Shot. This generates 1792 * 828 pixel images, which are rejected for not being 2688 * 1242.

How do I get the full resolution screen shot while running Simulator? (Choosing Pixel Accurate doesn’t seem to make a difference.)


first resort - what he said.

last resort -

take any previous screenshot, open in Apple's app "Preview", then "File" "Duplicate"

then "Tools" "Adjust size..." uncheck "Scale proportionally"

set the width and height indicator to "pixels"

and enter the desired pixel values in width and height.

"File" "Save"

uncheck "Alpha"

rename and save.

The "last resort" won't be a correct representation of exactly what the app looks like on that device. But it's awfully close and really easy.

Try using the Xs Max sim and screenshot instead - copy in the sim, then new via clipboard to Preview yields 1242 x 2688. ASC/MediaMgr. will scale down for other devices as needed.
