Can’t open links in new tab in Safari

Installed iPadOS 13 dev Beta 4 and now can't open any links in a new tab in Safari - the option has simply disappeared. Anyone have similar issue?

This is also a problem in iOS 13 Dev Beta 4

Yep, same issue on both ipad and iphone..... man I can deal with bugs, but this one really hurts, ugh. Oh well, on to the next in 2 weeks.

One thing you can do in the meantime is drag the link up to tab bar and drop it there; then it becomes a new tab.

Or you can simply tap a link with two-fingers, this automatically opens it in a new tab in the background.

Woah, that's so great. How long has this been the case? Can't believe I didn't know about that one!

Mother of gawd you are my hero.... never knew about this.... and it also works on iOS on the iPhone too. Tip o' the cap sir!

Ssame here! I hate it! I really hope it's a big because it's nearly impossible to use Safari this way, and the workaround is not at all a replacement

Same same :\. Looks like the option was accidentally deleted. Having to resort the ol' copy link, open new window and paste :\.

Oh snap. Interesting. I just tried it in iOS but it's hard to hold it and move up :\.

Nice one!

Just a heads up that I'm also seeing a "Open Links" section in the new Tabs section of Safari Settings (Settings > Safari). I selected "In New Tab" but not seeing anything really happen.

It seems that the option to open the link in a new Private Window is also missing

Same here for Dev 4. The two button shortcut on the iPhone is also hit or miss given the link size. Hoping they bring this back in dev 5.

hey there use 2 finger click on link to open in new tab

Option is back in new build.

Iit's March 2020 and this infuriating regression is still there. God I'm starting to hate Apple.

Safari will not open certain pages for me. It's weird. I even try another browser and it will not open . Everything was fine until I installed this.

For a MacBook the new tab option is available but the new tab is a tab in a new Safari window. Don't want a new window just a new tab in the one Safari window.

This should be addressed.

Can’t open links in new tab in Safari