Is it Possible to make two account Holder in one apple ID?


I am member of apple developer account with App manger role.

I need to Generate App specific password and Attach that password to App center account.

As per my information only account holder can do this work. I know that he (account holder ) can transfer his role to some one else. But due to some problem he can not leave his role.

So, i want to know is there any possiblity so that he (account holder) can assign another account holder to me.

Is it possible to have two account holder in one apple ID?

Please help,

Thanks in Advance.

>Is it possible to have two account holder in one apple ID?

There can only be one Account Holder (Agent). There can only be on individual tied to that person's Apple ID.

Note that App Store Connect is not an simply relies on using an Apple ID. You want to use an app specific password with the account holder's Apple ID. Any changes to the account holder's Apple ID require using that person's log in credentials.

One loud vote for a UX improvement to the experience around "agreeing" to new terms and agreements. It's beyond annoying that the only way most people see that the Account Holder has to "agree" to a new agreement is at the moment when they are trying to submit an app for review.

It's beyond annoying that the only way most people see that the Account Holder has to "agree" to a new agreement is at the moment when they are trying to submit an app for review. 


I also feel like Apple could loosen up things that are only accessible to the account holder, Google also suffers from this issue which I wish both platforms would consider the situation where that one person falls off the face of the earth, there's no case where having one super user is a benefit, having the ability to give that out to more people would ensure no one person has God-like powers over the companies apps. If nothing else, this should be available to those with a business or enterprise license.

Is it Possible to make two account Holder in one apple ID?