new builds not show in app store connect

i had upload new build(version 6.8.9) with application loader about 20 hours ago, and loader show success, but the new build 6.9.9 not show in app store connect activity list.

when i reupload the version, loader show ERROR ITMS-90189, same build string build exist.

how to fix this suitation? is there some bugs in app store connect?

I'm having the same issue.
Yesterday this worked fine.
These systems are too unstable.
still same issue happens. successfully upload the build via xcode but build not visible in activity section.
it was showing with processing status right after upload is finished before.
double checked the status of upload at xcode organizer it shows ok.
sad to see such issue at such big tech company.
Experienced the same problem. No sign of the new upload in App store or TestFlight tabs . Waited 15 mins, then uploaded again with the same build number. Usually this would generate an error if you use the same build number. Instead, it appeared in test flight with processing, then progressed to available. .... keep trying
I’m also having this issue. Submitted 2 builds a few hours ago and don’t see them at all. Typically I see them under activity in processing state within 30 seconds after submission. No emails from Apple.

update: I just resubmitted my last 2 builds and I now see them under activity. Thanks @mdb837!
It is an interesting bug under my circumstance, let’s made up an example to explain, for example, I first tried to upload a version Version 1.0.0 build 1 at 12 PM.

In the Xcode, there's a status said uploaded success and the upload time was 12 PM, but there's nothing showed up in the App Store Connect. I didn’t do anything and after a hour’s wait which was 1 PM, I uploaded again in Xcode, console said uploaded failed due to there's a same build on the server, but in the app store connect, there's a new build showed up and the uploaded time was 1 PM.
i have the same problem ,i upload 3-4 time with different build number and version number but not give "+" sign in build module plz solve this issue

Have you deleted the older build? It only shows the newer build when you remove the older build.
Same problem here. Had an app that was never released, took a year off to do other things, and now uploading new versions do not show up in the app store connect. I tried creating a new app with a new bundle ID, still nothing. I guess Apple just doesn't want new apps, maybe they've hit their limit seeing how widespread this issue is. Going off to concentrate on Android for a while, never had an issue like this before with them at least.
Same here. I upload the first binary for a new app I made, but in app store connect it still says 'Upload your builds using one of several tools. See Upload Tools'. If I try again from Xcode I get the error about duplicate version. I had no issues uploading binaries for another app in the past.
Same problem. I upload my app successfully with Xcode but I got this message: 'Upload your builds using one of several tools. See Upload Tools'.

I finally figured it out: turns out even though Xcode says the upload was successful, the upload might still fail some checks from Apple. The only place to see those failures is in your email inbox. Apple sent an email to the email address of the Apple developer account I was uploading to and it had the errors that prevented the binary to be available in App Connect. The title of the email is "App Store Connect: Your app "..........." has one or more issues". Make sure you check the various emails associated to your developer account.
The problem resolved itself for me after waiting few minutes; didn't need to upload the ipa again.
The post above by  'qwertzguy' about checking my email for the "App Store Connect: Your app ..." really helped. That email had gone into my unimportant email so I had missed it, and it explained that:

Code Block
"ITMS-90809: Deprecated API Usage - New apps that use UIWebView are no longer accepted. Instead, use WKWebView for improved security and reliability. "

My app contained UIWebView to support iOS7 on the iPhone 4 (and with the WKWebView for iOS8+). I removed the UIWebView and the app was then accepted in the app store.
I am facing same issue. Generally when build and distribute app, in iTunes show processing status, 1 to 60 minutes or maximum 2 or 3 hours. But Now not showing last build at appstoreconnect.

Please give me suggestion , what can I do now?
Go the email just now From Apple Developer:

Dear Developer,
We identified one or more issues with a recent delivery for your app, "MY APP Leave Management" 1.0 (2). Please correct the following issues, then upload again.
ITMS-90713: Missing Info.plist value - A value for the Info.plist key 'CFBundleIconName' is missing in the bundle ''. Apps built with iOS 11 or later SDK must supply app icons in an asset catalog and must also provide a value for this Info.plist key.

Have you checked whether you have received an email from the App Store Account to your iCloud email? You may have some information missing in the build.

Same here, no trace of uploaded app in the apps, except in Testflight, don't understand the logic of the app store connect its extremely unituitive.

Any updates? I have many approved builds. Non of them shows up.

Same issue for me. Upload successful, nothing appears in App Store connect. Been several hours

Same here. Din't appear for 2 day. The problem came back?

Having the same issue for one particular app. Uploading another app for another organization will appear almost immediately on appstoreconnect

In my case I got an email specifying a missing attribute on the info.plist of my bundle, fixed that and the app is shown :)

I have the same problem. I resolved by build new version and sign it again Ex: previous version 2.0.0 then release new version 2.0.1

I have just come across this issue. Has anyone found a solution for this?

This also happened to me on App Store Connect. First upload of the app. Didn't get any e-mails

new builds not show in app store connect