new builds not show in app store connect

i had upload new build(version 6.8.9) with application loader about 20 hours ago, and loader show success, but the new build 6.9.9 not show in app store connect activity list.

when i reupload the version, loader show ERROR ITMS-90189, same build string build exist.

how to fix this suitation? is there some bugs in app store connect?

The build for one app i've uploaded last night has not appeared yet, however a build for another app uploaded one hour ago just showed up in the list and is now being tested in Testflight. I hope the issue is solved now.

I will upload a new build of the app from last night and hope it shows.
I am also facing same issue. Its issue of Apple store. Kindly solve it soon please.
We are facing the same issue. It's been almost 12 hours now. Apple please get it fix soon.
Same issue occurred. I uploaded 2 different apps builds separately, both of them uploaded successfully but were not present on Appstore connect. It has been almost more than 6 hours, still no success. I hope Apple please fix this soon.
I have just tried to upload again a new build (just changed version number) and it went through OK.
I can see it in the Activity tab and is available in TestFlight, so the issue seems to be resolved now.
However, no trace of the previous upload attempts.
Same here, I think Apple is flooded with uploads. It's doesn't help that Apple released Xcode 12 GM and iOS 14 on the same day.
Same here - uploaded a build 12 hours ago and still not showing as a build to select in app store connect. Build usually take less than 3 minutes to show as a choice.
The issue seems to be resolved however old uploaded builds ( at least from Yesterday and Today) are still not showing. Try uploading a new build and that will show up.
Hi, same problem here. I made 2 attempts last night with two versions and still not showing up.
Application has been uploaded now.
For me it is not working yet
Same issue here. Apple, please provide a timely status update on this problem.
There seem to be issue from Apple's app store connect page, Try uploading a new version of app, it worked for me now.
Tried submitting a new app version 2 times yesterday (9/18/20) with incremented version - neither went through
Tried again this morning with another incremented version - it now shows up in app store connect

no idea where the previous two submissions went but at least apple sorted out things on their end
Here is what worked for me: I had a lot of previous builds (> 72) so I "Expired" about 30 to 40 of the oldest and uploaded a new build (with new version code).

  • Go to your iOS builds

  • Scroll down to the old ones

  • Click on a version code

  • Click on "Expire Build" button (red button, upper right hand corner)

  • Repeat for as many builds as you can

  • Go back to Xcode and bump the version code then create a new archive

  • Upload

  • Profit

It works again, without any special action
It works now. I saw only one build that was uploaded during the "period of downtime". Thanks Team Apple.
Same here
Anyone still experiencing issues seeing builds? Just logged in and all of my active and previous builds have disappeared from App Store Connect. Of course I can upload a new build but I have active users on previous builds so this is far from the preferred solution.
in my case, I load the build, for a few seconds it stays, when I go to "Test flight", I find the new build empty and the old builds.

Then when I reload the page or after waiting a while it disappears. I only have the old builds left.

If I try to load the new build again I get "the build error already present".
In my case, Ive created a new application, uploaded it and at the first time I checked the TestFlight panel, it showed the number of the version of the app I've had just uploaded (1.0.0 or 1.0.1, for eg) but no more info/button. When I refreshed the page, there wasn't even the version number being displayed, as nothing has ever been uploaded. No history is recorded, as well.
my problem is solved:

it wasn't an apple problem. It was mine. I had not received the emails from the apple store explaining that I had not correctly entered the "NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription" in the info.plist file. Once updated, the app is displayed correctly on the store.
Same thing happen to me as well. But its was resolved now!.

I have uploaded some new version, I expected the newly added build should available in 'Builds' of "AppStore" tab(first tab) in AppstoreConnect. But after so much time..I realised it was showing in TestFlight tab..

So I just enabled it to do 'internal testing' in nothing is wrong in 5 min..same build is showing as 'Ready to submit' under 'TestFlight' tab

Then I again came to 'AppStore' tab then instead of going to 'builds' section now I selected 'iOS Apps' at top left area then it was showing me to add new version..then I just selected already uploaded version..and saved!..

Then new uploaded version status changed to 'Prepare for Submission'.

Hope it will save some time, who are facing the same issue..
Still facing this issue
We are seeing the same issue. Some builds appear, some don't, some next day, some take days. No email. Apple must be having issues and I hope they are looking into it.
new builds not show in app store connect